The Hard Truth

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Everyone was fighting each other. Strangling one another and hitting each other with whatever they have. Even swinging from a ceiling lamp! Gunshots went off and hit some light bulbs. I was really scared but I kept my composure. We found Dawson and Basil helped him sit up while I slapped him awake. "Dawson? Dawson!" Basil said. Dawson finally awoke with the drug affect already wore off. "What? What?" Dawson saw the fight happening before us. "What in heavens name is going on?" Dawson asked. "We've spotted our peg-legged-" Basil cut himself off when we saw that Fidget wasn't there anymore. "Come on. There's not a moment to lose."

The bar fight became more violent the longer we stayed here. Basil directed us to a trapdoor behind the bar. Basil opened the trapdoor and Dawson climbed down. Then I went down. Then Basil went down closing the door just as something landed on it.

We heard Fidget singing the song from earlier as he climbed into a pipe drain. We quietly followed him to the pipe drain. We look into the pipe to see Fidget disappear into the darkness with lantern. "Basil-" Dawson tried to speak but Basil shushed him. He climbed into the pipe and turned to face us. "Follow me." He said. I climbed into the pipe with Dawson following behind me.

It was dark in there while we climbed. "Great Scott. I can't see a thing." Dawson said in the darkness. "Shh. Grab my coat and follow along. No, no, no, not that way. Dawson, look out for your-" Before Basil could finish is sentence, I heard Dawson hit something in the pipe. "Ow! Confound it!" Dawson quietly said. We kept moving along. "D-do you have any idea where we're going?" I asked Basil. "But of course. Left turn. Right turn."

Basil opened a grate and was thrilled. "Ah-ha, Shyla! Dawson! We found it! Ratigan's secret lair!" Basil said. He climbed out and held the grate for me and Dawson. "And it's filthier than I imagined." Basil added. We slowly creeped over the entrance and noticed Olivia in a bottle, her back to us. "Shyla, Dawson... the bottle!" Basil said. We rush over to the bottle, making sure we weren't heard. Me and Dawson look at Olivia while Basil tried to open it. He was struggling to get it to open. "It's stuck!" Basil grunted. I knocked on the bottle to get Olivia's attention. "Olivia?" I whispered. She turned around...... only to have Fidget's face in front of us wearing Olivia's clothes. He had a sinister grin and made a kissy face. Balloons and confetti suddenly appeared as well as a banner that said 'Welcome Basil'. Thugs came out of nowhere and yelled out surprise as they clapped and cheered mockingly. We were all shocked at this. We heard clapping and turned in that direction and saw............... Ratigan.

"Bravo! Bravo! A marvelous performance." He chuckled as he came to us. I glared at him with all of my hate for him. I saw Basil had the same expression I did in the corner of my eye. "Though frankly, I expected you fifteen minutes earlier." He said to Basil while looking at his pocket watch. "Trouble with the chemistry set, old boy?" Ratigan asked in a mocking way. My anger started to boil. Basil tensed up until he relaxed and had a friendly smile on his face. "Ratigan... no one can have a higher opinion of you than I have." Basil said in a friendly tone until his face and tone dropped. "And I think you're a slimy, contemptible sewer rat!" Ratigan shut his watch and put it back in his pocket and chuckled. I couldn't hold it in any longer! I needed answers!

"Where's my parents?" I asked him. He looked at me confused. "Where's my parents!?" I asked again but more defiantly. He took a look at me and his eyes widened. "Are you... Finn and Jessica's daughter?" He asked. I gave a face that said 'Who else could I possibly be?'
"After all of these years, your finally here... Shyla." A shiver went up my spine when he said my name. "Where. Are. My. Parents?" I was losing my patience. It was dead silence until Ratigan finally spoke. "How about I bring them here?" He snapped his fingers and two thugs went to his lair. Was I finally going to see my parents after all this time? I kept my angry face but deep down, I was feeling hope. I heard the two thugs coming back. "Say hello to your precious parents." Ratigan said as he stepped aside. What I saw made my heart shatter.

One thug was holding a purple dress and the other was holding a vest. Those were my parents favorite clothes to wear. They threw them onto the ground and I fell to my knees. I clutched the clothes in my hands. My parents are... I bursted into tears. This can't be happening. I didn't even hear the conversation Ratigan and Basil were having. I was devastated. I was too late. I then heard laughing. I looked around and saw that Ratigan and his thugs were laughing at Basil. Basil tensed up until he sighed and slumped down. Dawson didn't know what to do. They continued to laugh at Basil. My sadness turned into pure anger. He's going to pay! Not only for my parents death, but for laughing at Basil! I got up and ran to Ratigan but two thugs held me back. I struggled against them. "As for you," Ratigan began, "I did promise your parents I would look after you if anything... unfortunate happened to them." I struggled more than ever. "Get her ready for tonight." He ordered. The thugs took me away into his lair and the last thing I saw was Basil looking at me with a depressed and given up look.

The Great Mouse Detective: Basil x Shyla (My OC)Where stories live. Discover now