The Final Confrontation

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I heard the works of gears and cogs all around me. I opened my eyes and I saw huge gears at work. We were in the clock tower! I realized that a piece a cloth was around my mouth and someone was holding me. I looked on my left and I saw Olivia, also being held, with a hand over her mouth. I recognize that hand! It's-

I looked up and saw Ratigan. I struggled to get out of is grip. His hand was in a fist and poised, ready to knock Basil down! No, no, no, no! Not him!

I struggled more and tried to warn Basil, but it only came out as a muffle. Olivia managed to pry Ratigan's hand off her mouth. "Basil, look out!" Olivia shouted. Basil turned around in alarm as Ratigan knocked him off his feet. Basil rolled and caught the ends of the rotating gears we were on. He tried to pull himself up as Ratigan began to step closer, ready to deliver another blow. The cloth around my mouth managed to come off and I bit him, hard. Ratigan screamed in pain, giving Basil a chance to climb up to safety. Basil seized Ratigan's cape and tangled it between two gears. Ratigan dropped me and Olivia to hold onto his cape but kicked Olivia off the gear.

Olivia screamed as she fell and landed on a larger gear... which was about to crush her! Quickly thinking, me and Basil jumped off the gear. I grabbed on a chain and Basil landed on a lever and jumped on the chain with me as it lifted us to Olivia. The final key approached Olivia as we started to get closer. I reached my hand out, prepared to grab her as Basil grabbed hold of my hand that was on the chain. I grabbed Olivia's arm and pulled her to me just as the gears connected. I smiled at Olivia then at Basil, who was smiling the most. The chain lifted us to the top of the tower, where we got off and started running.

We stopped running when we reached outside, nearly falling off the edge of the tower. Olivia tugged on my dress and pointed to Dawson and her father, who were approaching us. I picked up Olivia and lifted her to them. Caught by surprise, Basil lifted me up so I could reach farther to them. They managed to grab Olivia and pulled her to safety. At least she's safe now. Now it was my turn. "Closer, Dawson! Closer!" Basil shouted. I reached as far as I could and so did Olivia's father, but it wasn't quite there. So close! "I-I can't reach! I can't reach." I shouted in pain. I was suddenly in the air for a split second before a hand grabbed my ankle and dragged me down the tower.

I managed to see who dragged me while tumbling down the tower. It was Ratigan! And he brought Basil with him too! Me and Basil tried to get a good grip on the tower, but between Ratigan's weight and the rain pouring on us, we simply couldn't. We separated as we fell down the face of the clock. I saw Ratigan grab Basil mid fall before they separated when we landed. My vision was blurry. It took a few seconds for it to go back to normal. I looked around and found Basil, looking down in concern.

"Basil!" I yelled as I ran to him, being carful not to fall off the hour hand we were on. "Are you alright?" We both asked at the same time. I blushed at what just happened. It looked like Basil did too. "Basil! Shyla! Over here!" Dawson called as their balloon approached us. We both smiled at each other in relief, but it wasn't to last.

Basil took a step and Ratigan attacked from behind, lifting him up with one arm. Basil managed to break free from Ratigan's grip and ran to me. I grabbed his hand and made a run to the balloon, with me in the lead. Ratigan caught up to us with such terrifying speed. Ratigan stepped between us, his back facing towards me, and pushed me back away from Basil. I skidded across the hour hand, almost falling off. Basil was forced to run away from Ratigan.

"There's no escape this time, Basil!" Ratigan said. Ratigan bucked Basil's path once again. Ratigan held out his hand and unsheathed sharp claws. He hit Basil twice with enough force to send him back. "Basil!" I yelled with worry. Basil barely had time to get up on his feet before Ratigan hit him in the face and was thrown back by the force. I felt hopeless. I have to do something! Ratigan sliced his muzzle, his chest which knocked him off his feet, and his back, sending fur and clothing flying. Before Ratigan can hit Basil again, I stepped in front of Basil, taking the hit instead. His attack was so strong that it sent me flying through the air and off the hour hand. I thought I was going to fall to my death before a pair a hands grabbed me and pulled me to safety. I hugged Dawson and Olivia's father in thanks and then hugged Olivia. All that was left was Basil.

I turned to see how he was holding up. He was clutching on to his arm, staggering away as Ratigan was upon him. Ratigan's next blow sent Basil flying off the hand but managed to grab on. Ratigan looked down at him as he raised his clawed hand. Basil embraced for the impact that was to come. Ratigan brought his hand down and delivered the blow, sending Basil down. I reached out and tried to grab him. Our fingers brushed each others before he was out of my reach. No... I looked up and saw that Ratigan had cruel smile on his face. "I've won!" Ratigan yelled as he laughed. No...... "On the contrary!" I heard Basil's voice say. Me and Ratigan looked down at the same time and we saw Basil hanging on to the destroyed dirigible with a bell in hand. "The game's not over yet!" He yelled before ringing the bell. Ratigan checked his pocket for his missing bell. Then Big Ben struck, signaling its 10:00. The vibration forced Ratigan off the edge and fall. He made a final grab for Basil as he fell, causing the ropes to snap. The final rope snapped free and both plummeted to the ground below.

Olivia turned to her father began to cry. I fell to my knees and began to sob. Why!? Why does everyone I love have to die in the hands of that RAT!? I was uncontrollably crying my eyes out. Basil...... I never got to tell you... I love you...

I then heard a distant squeaking sound coming from below us. I looked down and saw a propeller emerging from the clouds below and in that propeller was Basil.

"Ho ho! Hooray!"

"Hooray! It's Basil!"

"Good fellow! Jolly good!"

I was so happy to see him. Basil jumped on the balloon and I immediately hugged him. Tears were still coming down as Basil hugged me back. "I-I thought I lost you!" I said, tears still coming. He lifted my head up and wiped away my tears. "Don't worry. I'm still here. With a surprise." Basil said. I was confused. "What surprise?" I asked. Basil smiled. "This." He, unexpectedly, smashed his lips into mine. I was so caught off guard but I kissed back. We soon parted for air and looked at each other lovingly. "I love you." We both said at the same time. I finally got the chance to tell him. We all soon headed back to Baker Street.

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