The Plan

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Back at Basil's flat, Basil lit a lamp and was studying the list with his magnifying glass, with me and Dawson standing at his side.

"Offhand, I can deduce very little. Only that the words are written with a broad pointed quill pen which has spattered, twice. That the paper is of..." He tosses the paper in his hand. "... native Mongolian manufacture. No water mark. And has..." He puts the paper to his lips and smacks it three times. "... been gummed, if I'm not very much in error..." he sniffs the paper and holds it in arms length with a disgusted look on his face. "... by a bat who has been drinking Rodent's Delight! A cheap brandy sold only in the seediest pubs."

"Hmm. Amazing." Dawson said.

"T-truly something." I said quietly.

I looked at Basil and saw a bit of pink in his cheeks. It's probably the lighting. "Oh, not really, Doctor. We still don't know where it came from." He pulls out a microscope. "Perhaps a closer inspection will tell us something." He focuses the lens on the microscope. "Hmm-Hmm. Hmm. Coal dust. Clearly of the type used in sewer lamps." I tried to looked through the microscope but Basil took the list from it. He holds the list over a small flame and catching it on fire. "Uh, b-but Basil, I-I-" I tried to say. "Shh! Don't speak!" He says quietly. He lets the ashes of the list fall into a bowl and pats it down with a wooden masher. He pours the content into a yellow chemical that causes the chemical to turn blue. Me and Dawson stare at the liquid until Basil comes back with a vail with a red chemical inside. "Excuse me." He said. He held the red chemical over the blue chemical. "Steady hand..." He said to himself. He lets a single drop fall into the chemical. A small puff of smoke comes out as the chemical turns violet. He sets the jar below a glass spout and reaches the other side of the chemistry set to turn on a small flame. The green chemical inside bubbles up and slowly makes its way through the tubes, Basil muttering to himself. I couldn't hear what he was saying. We watched as a green droplet was hanging above the violet chemical. "Yes... Yes..." Basil muttered. It drops and turns the violet chemical red.

"Ah-ha!" Basil wraps his arms around me and Dawson. I tensed up a little bit soon relaxed in his embrace. I felt safe. "We've done it, my friends! This reaction could only be triggered by the papers extreme saturation with distillation of sodium chloride." Basil said. He moves away while me and Dawson study the chemical, which turned clear. "Salt water? Great Scott." I turn to Basil to see him rummaging through maps until he found the one he was looking for. "This proves beyond a doubt, this list came from the riverfront area." Basil said. "Ah, now steady on there, Basil." Dawson said. "No, no. Elementary, my dear Dawson. We merely look for a seedy pub at the only..." Basil pins a dart at a certain spot on the map, "spot... where the sewer connects to the water."

"W-we need d-disguises, r-right?" I asked Basil. "Correct, Shyla. I have enough disguises for all three of us. Shyla, will you follow me, please?" I followed him into a room upstairs with loads of disguises and costumes. Basil left for a second and came back with a red and yellow dress along with some red heels. "These were from one of my first cases. It belonged to my client, but they said for me to keep it. These should fit you and there is makeup right there if you need it." He said while pointing to a mirror with a makeup kit. "T-thank you, Basil." I said. He smiled at me. "Your welcome." He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I then collapsed on a small chair that was in the room. Thoughts were running through my head. What is this feeling I have? Why am I feeling this way? Why is it only around him?

Am I... falling for him?

3rd person P.O.V

Basil returned to the living room with disguises for him and Dawson. "Here you go, Doctor." Basil said, handing Dawson his disguise. "Thank you, Basil." Before he could go to a separate room to change, he turned around and faced Basil. "You like her, don't you?" Dawson asked. Basil looked at him confusingly. "Who?" Basil asked. "Shyla." Dawson simply answered. Basil looked at him in shock. "That is completely absurd, Doctor. Why would think that?" Basil asked. "I've seen how you blush around her and your protective manner in the toy store." Basil turned around and crossed his arms. "Complete nonsense." But he couldn't deny it deep down. The way she giggled and her shy manner. The complements he got from her meant so much to him. He simply couldn't help but fall for her.

I'm sorry this took so long. I was taking a break from writing and I even made an update on all my books on my separate book called My Random Book of Random Things. Thank you so much for your reads! I never thought I would get this far. See you later!

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