Kanda has a new friend {D. Gray Man Story}

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///// Timberwolf123: My first fanfiction!!! SO EXCITED!!!

Kanda: Do you ever shut up?

Timberwolf123: Nope. Now, do the disclaimer or I will steel mugen while you sleep.

Kanda: *sigh* Timberwolf123 does not own D. Gray Man. Only her OCs. There. Happy now?

Timberwolf123: Very! Now on with the story!

/////Black Order/////

Kanda POV

I was in a very bad mood right now. First, that baka usagi had to go and wake me up by pounding on my door. Second, I just had to run into the annoying (yet cute) moyashi who managed to get into a fight with me again. Lastly, as I was about to start eating my soba when I was called in for a mission.

Stupid deranged scientist, ruining my day even more. I thought angrily.

I walked in and saw the scientist in question sleeping at his desk again. An anger mark appeared on my forehead and I walked over and yelled on his ear as loud as I could:


Komui immediately woke up and fell off his chair yelling, "I'm up! I'm up! Don't ki- Oh, it's just you Kanda."

"Yes it's me. Now what do you want?" I stated angrily.

"Yes, yes. *cough, cough* Well, a few days ago we sent three finders into a abandoned town in southern India because we got a hint that there might be innocence there. We lost contact with them a few days ago. I want you to go find the finders and the innocence and bring it back. Understood?"

"Che. Whatever." I said and headed on my way.

//////////// Time Skip ( A/N:; You'll see a lot of these) /////////////

I walked down the dirt path that led to the abandoned town. I saw some gates with a broken gate hanging by its hinges. This town was indeed abandoned. I walked in and saw the buildings were crumbling and breaking apart. Old shops had broken windows and old signs swinging in the wind.

I heard a noise behind me and turned to see what looked like a brief shadow move out of view. I raised an eyebrow and kept on walking.

Mystery Person POV

I quickly his behind a wall as soon as the new person turned around. He had long black hair with matching eyes. He was wearing interesting clothes. They were black, unlike the other man that came who had tan-ish colored robes on. There were originally three men dressed like that but two had died because of some weird machine like monsters (A/N:; We all know what I'm talking 'bout, right?) I was interested in this man because he looked oddly like someone I used to know. As soon as he walked away I started to follow him.

Kanda POV

I had this weird feeling that I was being followed. Every time I turned around I would see what looked like a shadow hide behind a wall. I walked to the eastern part of the town where there was a small forest. I sat down on a log and saw out of the corner of my eye some bushes move. I looked over to that spot and was about to go over there when out of no where I'm hit in the stomach and thrown into a tree. I looked up and saw ten level one akuma in front of me. Only one came over to me and the others went to the bushes where I saw movement earlier.

I hear a sudden "eep" and a small figure came out of the bushes. It looked and sounded like a girl and she was wearing a tan rag like dress similar to the dress Lala wore in the city of Martel except this dress had skinnier sleeves. The figure also had a sort of shawl on that went down to her elbows and had a hood that made it so I couldn't see her face.

Nine out of the ten akuma started floating toward her. I was about to tell her to run when she mumbles something under her breath and her fingernails had small green fire on them and she slashed her middle and pointer finger up and down through the middle of the akuma, cutting it on half. She did the same thing with the others and was about to to the same to the one that floated in front of me when it came and managed to stab me in the gut and before I pasted out I heard a voice telling me to stay awake. But the dark came quicker tan I thought and everything went black.


Timberwolf123: Cliffhanger!!! dun dun duuuunnnn!!!!

Kanda: Why did you make me weaker than I really am?

Timberwolf123: Cause I'm the authoress. I do what I want.

Kanda: ......?


I'm gonna update as soon as possible. I have a lot more time to write now that it's summer!!! WooHoo!!!!

Kanda has a new friend {D. Gray Man Story, boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now