Matchmaking and A New Romance

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Allen POV

I was reading on the same couch as KANDA!!! I kept stealing glances at him and at one point when our eyes met I turned red and made myself look like I was reading. I have had a crush on Kanda since I first met him.


I had just been attacked by a swordsman and was now pressed against the gate. I finally saw his face and my breath hitched. In my mind he was gorgeous. As soon as he turned away I knew I was in love.

-Flashback End-

I sighed. There was no way he liked me back.

Kanda POV

I turned back to my book when our eyes met with a blush. I have had a small crush on the beansprout since I first saw him.


I attacked to boy and he was currently against the gate. I saw his face and my eyes widened. He was very cute in my eyes. When I turned and walked away with a slight blush on my cheeks. I knew I had a new crush.

-Flashback End-

I sighed. Me and him fought all the time. There was no way he liked me back.

Lavi POV

I was watching Allen and sighed in bliss. He was so CUTE!! I was in love with home from the first time I saw him in a hospital bed after the mission when they found Miranda.

Why do I feel like I'm being glared at?

Kyra POV

I glared at the red haired boy and immediately disliked him. I heard someone call him and found out his name was Lavi.

'Lavi, you just made a powerful enemy.' I thought

I looked at Allen and saw him get up. I smirked and sprung into action. I ran over pushed him onto Kanda and ran to hide behind a chair.

When I pushed Allen he landed on Kanda and they managed to.....KISS!!! They didn't move for a minute. Then their faces turned red. Still didn't move. I watched with interest and decided to interfere.

I walked over and said "People are staring." They immediately got off each other and Allen was still red and made his way to the exit. Before he made it he tripped and landed in Lavi's arms. My eyes twitched and Kanda sent a glare at Lavi. Allen then turned even redder and left the room in a hurry.

Kanda has a new friend {D. Gray Man Story, boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now