Kyra meets Allen

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Timberwolf123: *silent*

Lavi: She's so quiet.

Allen: Yeah.

Kanda: *walks over and pokes her*

Timberwolf123: *snoring*

All: She's asleep!!!

Allen: Timberwolf123 owns only her OCs.


Allen's POV

I was walking in the library when I hear what sound like whimpering. I walk over and see a girl of maybe 13 sitting in the corner crying.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I asked her. She looked up at me and I was that she had brown eyes. She shook her head at me and said "Me hate needles."

"She must be that girl that Toma said he and Kanda found in an abandoned town." I thought

"Well... you may not like needles, but you have to get vaccines because we don't want you to get sick. If I went with you would you get the shots?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking her head up and down.

"Good. Let's go. I'm Allen." I held out my hand and she took it. "Kyra" she said. We walked back to the medical center and walked in.

Kyra POV

I like Allen. He may have white hair, a mark on his face and I saw his arm was red from the looks of his red fingers but he seemed fine to me.


Timberwolf123: Short and sweet.

Lavi: I didn't even show up.

Allen: I finally did! WaaHoo!!

Timberwolf123: Don't get a big head Allen.


Update as soon as possible. I have writer's block so it may be awhile.

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