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A Month Later


Allen POV

For the past few weeks I've been Not exactly I've been throwing up every morning and having the worst cramps. Kanda was worried but I assured him I was fine. I had never really gotten sick before and was a bit confused. I decided to talk to Komui today and find out what was wrong.

"So....for the past few weeks you've been having morning sickness and cramps in your stomach area?" asked Komui

"Yes." I said

"Well...I have an idea...but I need to take some tests to make sure. May I take a blood sample?"

"Sure." I agreed and held out my arm. He took the sample and headed to the lab. He came back a few minutes later with a smile on his face and gave me a sheet of paper. I quirked and eyebrow and looked at the paper. My eyes went wide when I saw the contents.

"" I mumbled "How is this possible?"

"A few weeks ago I found one of a vile of a new experiment I perfected out side your room. It was most likely put in your water that was on your nightstand and when you drank it....voilà here are the results!"

"But...but...I'm only 16! I can't be.....pregnant!! Plus, I'm a guy last I checked!" I halfway shouted "What am I gonna tell Kanda?" I sounded distressed and scared, which I was.

"Just tell him the truth. I'm sure he'll be happy for you. The serum gave you a few female reproductive organs too. Come back next week for a checkup." He called as I left. I walked slowly back to me and Kanda's room. 'I'm doomed.' I thought


I opened the door and saw Kanda reading a book on the bed and Kyra was on the floor playing with a doll Lenalee gave her awhile ago. I hesitantly walked over and stood in front of the both of them. Kyra looked up and so did Kanda.

"Something wrong?" Kyra asked

" do I say this?" I said

"Just spit it out." said Kanda as he stood up

"Well...about a month ago...I drank some water with an...interesting serum that someone put in it....and it made me...." I said hesitantly

"Made you....what?" Kanda asked

"Preg....nant...." I whispered

Kyra gasped and Kanda stared for a moment before is eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted. Kyra broke his fall and squealed with joy, "I hope it's a girl!"

I sweatdropped and thought 'Oh boy. Good luck kid' I thought as I rubbed my stomach 'Your gonna need it.'


Kanda has a new friend {D. Gray Man Story, boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now