Bad Happenings

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One and a Half Years Later


Nobody POV

It has been a year and a half since Hoshimi was born. She was very special. Komui thought it might have to do with innocence. At six months she was talking, walking and had a great memory. She was also super smart. She could read, write, draw and so many other amazing things. Komui said her innocence may make her a great strategist for the order. Allen and Kanda said she would not become an exorcist until she is at least 16. Kyra agreed with them. Komui was fine with that.

The order also found out some not so good things that made them trust me and Allen less.

1) They found out about The 14th and 15th Noah's inside me and Allen

2) They suspected Hoshimi had a Noah inside her

3) They thought we would eventually betray the order

Allen and Kyra new they would never betray the order and almost everyone had their trust dwindle a bit. Only Kanda, Lenalee, Miranda, Krory, Bookman, Toma and Komui fully trusted them. Whenever Kanda and Allen went out on a mission Kyra or Lenalee watched Hoshimi just in case something bad happened. Little did they know that would happen sooner than they thought.


Kyra POV

I held a sleeping Hoshimi in my arms as I hid from order members in her room. I grabbed a suitcase and packed several of her clothes, books and toys. I closed it and quickly went through the a joining door to my room and packed my own suitcase. Allen had been imprisoned because of the 14th and Kanda was getting him out while Lenalee and Komui helped us get out.

The plan was that Miranda, Bookman, Krory and Toma distracted order members while Kanda got Allen out and Lenalee and Komui got me and Hoshimi got out. Over the last several months I had told everyone that my ideal home would be in Italy. One month ago I told Allen (only Allen) that I once wanted a small seaside farmhouse in France. I hope he remembered that.

Heart had taught me and Allen how to use the Ark and I uses it to go to a small farmhouse I had secretly bought when the order found out about Dark Heart. I got to the farmhouse and erased all evidence that I had used the Ark. Hopefully Allen remembered what I told him.


Allen POV

Kanda had gotten us out and I was currently using the Ark to go to a small apartment I had found in Portugal. Me and Kanda arrived and immediately got to work on finding Kyra and Hoshimi. I knew Kyra would protect her niece with her life. When she became a Walker she became my sister. She loved Hoshimi so much. I hope she's okay. She had just turned 14 1/2 years old.


Three Years Later, Ages Listed Below






Kyra POV

I walked through the house looking for Hoshimi. She always wonders off all the time. She was smart enough not to leave the property so I knew she wouldn't be far.

"Hoshimi! Where are you?" I called into the yard. I wiped my hands on my apron and looked to the sea.


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