The mysterious person... IS A GIRL???

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Timberwolf123: New chapter. Thank god.

Kanda: What's up? Your usually more energetic.

Allen: Bakanda is right for once.

Kanda: *shouts* Don't call me that!!

Timberwolf123: I just finished taking my final exam at school today.

Lavi: Where they hard?

Timberwolf123: Not really. But they took a lot out of me.

Allen: Timberwolf123 does not own anything except her OCs,


Kanda POV

I woke up to the feeling someone putting a cold cloth on my forehead. I groaned and opened my eyes to see the back of the mysterious kid from before holding a cloth and dipping a cloth into a bucket of water.

"Who are you?" The kid jumped at my voice before turning back to cleaning the bloody bandages that the kid probably washed my wounds with. I looked over to my other side and saw a finder sitting against a wall with a makeshift sling on his arm.

"Good morning Kanda. This young girl saved me yesterday and brought you in about an hour ago."

"Who is she?"

"Not sure. She doesn't talk much."

I sighed and turned back to her. She was sitting facing us and tilted her head.

"What's your name?" I asked

In a child like voice she answered "Name is Kyra."

I raised an eyebrow at her choice of sentence structure. Can she even talk normally? I thought.

"Wow. No matter what I asked her she never answered me." said the finder. I think his name was Toma.

"Why only answer me? We just met."

She then pulled down her hood and long green colored hair fell down to the back of her knees. She also had brown eyes. It was then I noticed that her nails were black with white crosses on them. She must be a accommodator of innocence.

"We better take you back to headquarters." I said. Her face broke into a large smile and she clapped and started putting some stuff in a bag.

/////Time Skip/////

I looked at the girl that was sitting next to me on the train sleeping. She hadn't let go of my arm since I said she could come with us.

"Can you tell me what you know about Kyra?" I asked Toma

"Well... she rescued me from some akuma, brought me back to her house, treated my arm and then came and went coming back with food and water then she left and came back with you on her shoulder. When she spoke to you it was the first time I heard her voice."

"So we know barely anything about her."

"It seems so."

"Just who is this girl?" I thought


Timberwolf123: Whoo. Finished.

Allen: *pouting* I wasn't even mentioned.

Kanda: So what?

Allen: None of your business, Bakanda.

Timberwolf123: Enough you two. Can't you stop fighting for one minute?

Kanda, Allen: *deadpanned* Not gonna happen.

Timberwolf123: O..k.. then.


Gonna update as soon as possible.

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