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Allen POV

Me and Kyra had to pick up Kanda and lay him on the bed where he stayed unconscious for about twenty minutes.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"I had the strangest dream." Kanda answered

Me and Kyra looked at each other before looking at Kanda again. Kanda groaned and fell back on the bed.

"It wasn't a dream, was it?" He asked and me and Kyra shook our heads. Kanda sighed and sat up.

"So you really are p-pregnant?"

"Er....y-yes...." I stuttered

"How? Wait....I don't want to know."

"Hope it's a girl." Kyra put in suddenly "Is Kanda happy?"

Kanda sighed. Instead of answering, he kissed me. When he let go, he hugged me. "Of course I'm happy."

"Really?" I asked

"Of course."

"I'm glad."

So we begin parenthood.

Nobody POV

Month 3

Allen had entered his third month and Kanda was glad the morning sickness had stopped. But then the strange food cravings and mood swings began. Sure Allen ate lots of food, but what he ate was just plain odd. Like when he asked for pickles and ice cream. Along with that he developed a strong craving for sweet and sour chicken. He also slept almost all day and only woke up when he was hungry.

Month 6

At month 6 the baby had started moving and Allen had been less tired but had bad heartburn and his legs had been feeling heavy. It was hard for him to sleep on his back at night too.

Month 8 1/2

Allen managed to sit in a chair next to the window while balancing a book on his large stomach. Kyra was reading a book on the floor holding a doll. Kanda was on a mission and was expected back today.

Allen had been feeling minor cramps for the last few hours but thought it was nothing. He put his book on the table and looked out the window when he felt a large, stabbing pain in his abdomen and he fell to the floor. Kyra immediately jumped up and helped Allen get up. His water broke and they managed to get Lenalee to find and help them to the infirmary. Lenalee assured him Kanda was almost home. Kyra ran out of the room to go wait for Kanda and warn him. Allen felt so much pain.

Kanda POV

I just got off the boat and made it up the stair case when I saw Kyra running at me.

"Kanda! Kanda!"

"What is it?" I asked

"!!!" she said between breaths. I ran as fast as my legs would take me. Kyra was right on my heels. We made it to the infirmary and I ran to Allen's side. He grabbed my hand and squeezed my hand. I think he broke a few bones.


After three hours of intense pain, the baby was finally born. It was taken to be cleaned and me and Allen waited to find out if it was a girl or a boy. A few months ago we discussed names and never agreed on one. Lenalee came in holding a bundle in a pink blanket.

"Congratulations on your new baby girl!"

She handed our new girl to Allen and I saw she had pale skin, white hair and I saw she had my dark blue eyes. Allen smiled at her and she giggled a bit.

"What should we name her?" I asked

"What means 'starlight' in Japanese?" Allen asked


"Then she's Hoshimi Kanda-Walker. Should she have a middle name?"

"How about.....Arabella?"

"Then her full name is Hoshimi Arabella Kanda-Walker."

"I like it." I kissed his forehead

I held onto her for a bit and feed her. She ate a lot, but not as much as her mama (Allen). Kyra came in a bit later.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course." Allen told her. Kyra sat in a chair and absolutely loved Hoshimi. A thought came to me.



"What's your last name?"

"Um.....can't remember."

Allen spoke up. "How about Walker?" Kyra's eyes went wide and she nodded with a smile.

Our new family life has begun.

Kanda has a new friend {D. Gray Man Story, boyxboy}Where stories live. Discover now