OC description

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Can't believe I waited so long to do this.


Kyra (last name unknown)

Age: 13

Hair: Dark green

Eyes: Brown (when not using rainbow eyes)

Attire: Black knee length tank top dress, exorcist jacket similar to Lenalee, black knee high combat boots, wears hair in double braid down her back, the end of the braid is held together with black bows

Personality: Kind, funny, sweet (except in demon mode), fearless, eager, sarcastic at times, gentle

Likes: Matchmaking, Allen, Kanda, Lenalee, sushi, dango, her old family

Dislikes: Lavi, Noah, akuma, the 'facility'

Fears: Tyki Mikk, the 14th, the 15th (will be explained)

Innocence: Sync percentage is a surprising 195%. She has innocence in her nails that allow her to cut akuma in half when she moves her hand in an up and down motion like a sword. She also has rainbow eyes.

Past: (This will be revealed in story but I might as well tell you some [not all] of her past) She was born in a small seaside town in France. She had two older siblings (brother and sister) and nice parents. Her father disappeared when she was 3 and her mother died when she was 5. Her older sister tried to bring her mother back to life. Her brother got a scar on his face and Kyra used her innocence for the first time to destroy the akuma that was her sister. She ran away thinking her whole family was dead. (There is more of the story but I'll just let you know that something happened in between the time she ran away and the time she met Kanda.)

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