New Kind Of Innocence?

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Kyra POV

I wandered through the library and was lost.

Completely lost.

I sighed and turned a corner, running into someone. I mumbled a quick sorry and looked up to see.....a......panda? What? It took me a moment to realize that it was a man, not a panda.

"Do you need something?" he asked.

"Umm....Books on innocence in eyes?" I said and turned my eyes a bright blue.

He nodded and led me to a shelf and pulled out a book. The title said,

                                                   Rainbow Eyes

                                       What it is and how to use it

I took the book and skimmed through it. I nodded and thanked him. He asked "Need anything else?" I thought for a moment before replying,


He nodded and lead me to another shelf which was filled with manga. My eyes went wide and my mouth was slightly open.

"My name is Bookman. What is yours?" he asked


"Well Kyra, Welcome to the Black Order."

I smiled and when I opened my eyes Bookman was gone. I blinked a few times before shrugging and turning back to the shelf.

@@@@@@@Time Skip@@@@@@@

I had been reading for awhile now before I spotted a manga with two men on the front. I opened it and after a few pages my eyes widened at the picture. I got a small nosebleed and shut the book.

I put the book into a box I had gotten and picked out several more manga before picking up the almost full box and headed back to my new room.

My new room had a simple twin sized bed pushed next to a wall with dark green covers, on one side of the room next to the wall was a desk with a mirror attached to it, at the end of the bed against the wall was a good sized wooden wardrobe. Near the door was an empty bookshelf.

I put my newly acquired manga on the shelf's and opened Rainbow Eyes. I was soon engrossed in the book.

Rainbow Eyes is a type of innocence that allows the exorcist to see thing other can't. Rainbow Eyes is one of the rarest types of innocence in the world. Every color that the exorcists eyes change too show different thing. These things are listed below from least important to most important. Some of the colors the exorcist uses will sometimes give different abilities to other parts of his/her body or mind.

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