Curse Lifted?

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Timberwolf123: Finally! I haven't written a new chapter in MONTHS!

Lavi: Do I finally show up?


Allen: So mysterious.

Timberwolf123: I only own my OCs


Nobody POV

Several screaming fits, bruises and burns (don't ask) later, Kanda, Allen and Komui got Kyra to take her shots. When they were done they leaned against either the wall, floor or desk and sighed with relief. Kyra was hiding behind a chair in the corner of the room.

"She packs a punch." said Allen as he leaned on a desk holding his now bruised jaw.

"No kidding." said Komui as he leaned against a wall and rubbed his black eye.

"Che." said Kanda as he held his bleeding leg.

"Take her to your room Kanda and I'll set up her own room." said Komui


Kanda and Kyra walked to the room and when they got there Kyra looked at the lotus with a confused expression on her face. Then her eyes widened and she looked at Kanda.

"Don't ask." said Kanda

She looked back at the flower and Kanda was shocked to see her eyes change from brown to the same color as the lotus. Kyra then opened her mouth and began to sing.

The song didn't have any words. It was just a nice melody. What shocked Kanda even more was that as she singed the fallen petals began to reattach themselves to the flower before the lotus and its container began to crack before it shattered completely. Kyra stopped singing and smiled at Kanda.

"No more lotus curse." she said and walked out of the room.

Kanda simply stared at the glass on the floor before looking at the door Kyra exited out of.

"Just who is this girl?"


Short but nice and sweet.

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