Dreams and Drop Ins

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One Year Later


Kyra POV


I wandered through the darkness.


No light in sight.

"Allen?" I said





I was scared now. A large flash of light made me cover my eyes and when I looked up I saw a white female figure that had a sort of black outline around her (A/N: Think of Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist) her hair was also white and flowed like it was in the wind. She also had a green outline of a heart on her chest with the letters H•I inside it.

"Hello, Kyra. My name is Heart" she told me.

"Who...what are you?" I asked

She smiled and said "I am you in a sense. I am the Heart."

Still confused I asked "Heart of what?"


My eyes nearly popped out of my head. The Heart Of Innocence?!?! Her?? My mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. Heart smiled and started explaining.

"When you where born you were in bad health. Your parents brought you to a local priest who did get your health back. But to do so he put the Heart Of Innocence in your chest which replaced your real heart. The bad part is that you now have my dark half in you now."

"Dark half?"

"My dark half looks like me but is a grayish black, not white. She is known as Dark Heart and is the 15th Noah. She is also the sister of Road Camelot. I am not Roads sister though."

My mind was still trying to process this fact.

"When you need help just call me. When you wake up you will have the same mark on your chest like me. Good luck and stay away from Noah."

-Dream End-

I woke up and looked at my ceiling and sighed. I sat up and headed to Kanda and Allen's room. They started sharing a room about a week after dating. Lavi was trying his best to separate them and failed all the time thanks to me.

I opened the door and immediately closed it. Let's just say there was a lot of moaning going on and leave it at that. I ran back to my room and was thinking 'I think I just dropped in again.' I had done that about three times this year.

And was scared each time.

I was almost to my room when I see Lavi holding an ampty vile of some liquid and hid behind a pillar. I hope he didn't get it from Komui. I had plenty of run ins with his experiments. Liquid or otherwise.

He walked back to his room with a smirk on his face and I was left praying that Allen and Kanda were alright.


I sure hope that wasn't to short for you people.

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