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Charlie's P.O.V


I had to run out of there before it got to my head again.

I was so full of emotion, I wasn't used to this, obviously nobody is. I sat in the front yard covering my face, needing to take a moment to breathe. I had just witnessed my sister who died right in front of me, die again. That right there would send someone into madness and slowly, just very slowly, that's what it was doing to me.

I know my parents would love to see me go completely insane so that they could tell the neighbors their pity story about how I was such a great kid, blah blah blah.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and out of instinct I turned around and grabbed their arm Beverly flinched thinking I was going to take a swing at her. I let go of her hand and hugged her. its the least that I needed right now but it seemed to do the most to help me.

Beverly quickly hugged me back and we stood there taking in the peaceful silence. then, she spoke up.

"I'm sorry about everything..." I shook my head knowing she was about to blame herself for the fucked up things going on in Derry.

"It's ok." I immediately felt myself move closer to her  she closed the gap between us and I melted into the kiss.

I'm not sure how long we kissed for but I felt a hard hand hit my shoulder and practically tear me away.

Shocked and still trying to put together the pieces I looked up at my brother. His once blue eyes were now dark and deadly. Beverly caught her breath and both our eyes had been so wide they seemed like they would fall out at any moment.

"Get.in.the.car." He growled. My heart raced as I looked up at the gang who had also been staring, terrified, at my older brother.

I bit my lip and walked to the car. I began to feel self conscious and embarrassed at the fact that this is now an official thing. My brother now knew about... well... me and Beverly. And I didn't even know what to call us to be completely honest.

But I didn't want her to get in trouble... I could handle my folks and what they would do but her dad would do 10x worse.

I sat in the back and my brother slammed the door looking back at my friends and speeding off.

Everybody had continued to stare until I couldn't see them and maybe even more.

I stayed silent. I didn't even breathe loudly. I knew my demise would be soon. Being anything but straight in this town and generation was not accepted and I'm not going to lie my parents are no strangers to disowning people in their family and I'm no exception.

Sorry for the ending I know it can be heavy and I know it can be triggering for some

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