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Omg 2k reads!!! And my favorite character officially died Sunday night 😢Charlie's P.O.V

I sped away from Beverly's home knowing my parents were looking for me, knowing they called the police.

My sneakers hitting the hard dirt beneath me was all I heard as my heart rate sped so quick I didn't know whether or not I was going to collapse.

A gun shot rang out and I ducked but continued running. Looking back I saw confused officers who weren't even paying attention to me.

I took this opportunity and LITERALLY ran with it. The woods were a place that I knew I had an advantage with.

Soon, I found the source of the gunshot that rang out. I had been running for about five minutes until I had come across it.

Hiding behind a tree I saw the Bowers boy with a pistol in hand and blood splattered across his face. A cynical look in his eyes as his friends were tied to the tree, bloody and presumed dead.

I gasped covering my mouth. Henry heard me averting eyes to where I was. Fuck.

He began to cackle evilly as i hid behind the tree. "I seen you BITCH." He said as I heard his foot steps approach.

My heart pounded and again I raced far away. I could hear him running after me. Tears streamed down my face as I remembered what he did to me last time.

I tripped over tree roots and closed my eyes. I couldn't keep running. I couldn't live on my own. I'm better off just sealing my fate.

"You seem to give up pretty easily, I should probably finish what I started.

Pulling up my t-shirt he gently drew the blade across my stomach. I cringed glueing my eyes shut. He continued this pushing further down, I screamed in agony.

Then I heard shuffling and grunting. Opening my eyes I saw the officers tackling Henry and putting him in hand cuffs.

I shook my head backing away but to my demise I backed right into the arms of my father who seemed both relieved and furious.

A van pulled up, all white and it said "Cardinal Asylum" in big black lettering on the side.

I shook my head furiously as I looked all around me to find an escape. I had never freaked out this much in my life, I was losing my mind.

Two men in all white outfits hopped out of the van and came walking towards me. I kicked and screamed as they came after me.

"NO! FUCK YOU!" I spat.

They grabbed me from my father who's shirt I nearly stretched to the heavens. I knew I was making this worse, I knew I would be presumed unstable and a danger to myself and others. but by this point in my life I didn't care. Acting out was all I knew in this moment.

I looked over seeing Beverly, her father standing behind her whispering.

She looked down as I still struggled against the grip of the men, my shirt soaked in blood and my eyes were most definitely red with tears and anger.

They threw me into the back of the van. I was still crying and struggling. My voice was now hoarse.

I looked out the window while my chest heaved up and down. I took in the sight of everyone, the fact that remorse shone brightly on their faces. I looked at Beverly, her red hair and blue eyes. Her soft lips turned to a frown.

I shook my head over and over. Why was this happening.

In the far back, behind everyone in the small crowd. The sinister clown stood with a big smile on his face.

Turning around and looking at the drivers one of them looked at me from the rear view mirror
the exact same sinister smile on his face.

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