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QnA Coming: Ask me some questions, I don't really have anything specific in mind as to what I want you to ask so just ask whatever!!!!!

Charlie's P.O.V
"Charlie?" Turning around I saw none other than Addy Bowers. I talked to her last school year, but I've been obviously trying to keep a low profile ever since the summer events.

I gulped, not scared of her but of what she wanted.

She walked over to me smiling. "Hey! I haven't seen you in so long! How is everything?" Addy asked. "Good... everything is good." I replied putting on a smile.

"Is that your schedule?" She asked taking the slip of paper from me. "Hey, we have study hall and art together!" The bell rang before she could say anything else. "See you then." She said handing me back the schedule and walking in the opposite direction.

I walked into the class keeping my head down, the bell that rang was the 'you have 5 minutes to get to class or your ass is late' morning bell.

Trudging to the last open seat at the back corner of the room I ignored any stares and slightly waved at the people who said hello to me.

I know they were just trying to be nice to cool the air but it was going to take a whole lot more than that to make things better.

I set my bag beside me and grabbed out a notebook and folder labeling it 'ALGEBRA'

Looking up I saw the one person I dreaded seeing the entire day: Beverly Marsh.

Gulping I turned to face the window and looked out at the front lawn of the school. It was so earily clean and perfect. Just the way to describe Derry.

"Ok Class, welcome back to your first day of school! I'm sending around an attendance sheet so be sure to sign your full name." The teacher walked over to her desk scribbling on a white-lined piece of paper and passed it to the first kid.

When the attendance sheet got to me the kid in front of me looked freaked out as he slowly turned to hand me the paper. I was growing a bit frustrated so I snatched the paper from him and signed my name.

I passed it to the person beside me as they smirked at how I had reacted to the shit head.

The rest of the class went by pretty quick, since it was the first day I hadn't gotten homework, just forms to sign for my parents.

When the bell for second period wrung I waited for everybody to exit the class and then slowly packed up making my way out into the hallway.

As I went up the stairs and turned the corner long behold I bumped into Riley.
"Holy shit... is that you Charlie?" She smiles ear to ear. I blinked a bit and nodded. I didn't want her to bring more attention to me that I needed.

"Hey Riley." I said quietly. She furrowed her eyebrows and then peered over at my schedule. (Lmao I'm sorry, this is just what kids at my school do on the first day or they tell me to send them a pic but obviously there's no IPhones in this era soo)

"Ou we have Chem together! C'mon!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the Chemistry room, this class was small because everybody else had picked Biology and the 'smarter' kids got Chemistry.

There was only about 8 kids in total.

Riley dragged me to the last row of the black top tables and plopped me in the seat beside her. "What's wrong?" She asked looking into my soul. "I can't... I cant really talk about it." I said grabbing out my now Chemistry notebook and labeling it.

"Charlie... listen I know you missed out on a lot, and you're now alone because people are scared... but I'm still here." She said squinting as if I were going to punch her for saying that.

I shook my head, "thank you, but the least of my worries are the kids in this school excluding me from their cliques. It's my parents." I looked back down at my Chemistry notebook and sighed. Will I ever get through this day!

Riley and I talked for a while throughout the class getting the same breakdown that Algebra gave me and then the bell rang.

Before I new it I flew through English and History.

Soon enough it was Lunchtime.

I wasn't hungry but I was happy to be out of small classrooms with kids I once knew and now can't speak to without my parents wanting to crucify me for it.

I grabbed my lunch, even the lunch ladies stared at me oddly. Like just give me the damn food, lady.

I sat at an empty table in the outside foyer and then after a little while felt a hand on my shoulder.

Turning around i was blinded by the sun but could make out their distinct hair and nearly had my heart burst out of my ass.

"I missed you so much" they said softly.

"Bev?" I asked having to make sure it was her.

She smiled. Beverly hugged me and I had to literally look around to make sure nobody was spying on us.

She pulled away and sat down beside me.

"Where did your parents send you?" She questioned angrily. "I can't talk about it... and I'm no-" "OMG hey Charlie!" I turned around seeing Addy.

Beverly looked behind us and looked back at me to see if I was going to respond.

I waved at Addy slightly and looked back at my sand-which and fries.

Addy walked up to our table and sat across from us. "I was thinking we could walk to study hall together, would you be down?" She asked looking at me. I just looked up and shrugged. "Well we're going to the same place so yea sure."

Beverly took my hand in hers under the table and squeezed it. I missed this feeling so much. I gently squeezed her hand back feeling Beverly's entire being become calm.

Addy nodded.

After lunch I said goodbye to Beverly as Addy dragged me away to Study Hall.

Wow this is the longest chapter I've written. It has 1050 words!!!!

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