Duke's now a boy , what the actual fuck.
2018 Heathers is gonna suck , go back to old 1980's please~!
McNamara is Korean , which makes no sense since in some musicals Duke's the one to be Korean. Plus McNamara of all people!
Duke is now a fucking male! I know it's shit and fuck , what were they thinking when they wanted a gay fuckboi to be some bitch , which is mostly made of fucking girls. THEY DIDN'T HAVE AN EXCUSE TO MAKE DUKE A FUCKING BOY!
Chandler looks like lesbian material , correction. TOO LESBIAN. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK , WHERE IS THE OLD QUEEN? ALSO WHY IS SHE BUTCH?
Veronica looks like Chandler now , she's fucking blond and looks like fucking Chandler. She is a Veronica not a Heather! Also Veronica almost looks like to have McNamara (1989's) personality. In her face , WHY THE FUCK?
this does not feel great at all , I hate this shit they put to Heathers. WHY THE FUCK DO THEY NEED TO REBOOT IT? THE MUSICAL OR THE LAST MOVIE WAS ALREADY FUCKING GREAT!
Heathers Headcanon's and Shots
Randomsorry if I don't do JDonica. It's a weird ship to me. ( even though I might break that rule XD )