1. Oh hello...

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'And then his hands are no longer there... and he hits me - hard'
I flip through the pages enthusiastically dying to know what Christian does next, the book all consuming.

*Ding dong*

"Ugh who dares to disturb me on my erotic reading adventures", I yell out to the world as the doorbell rings.

It's like 10pm, don't people have a bedtime?

I roll off my warm bed and adjust the underwear that had slowly risen up my ass.

God, this happens everytime! Maybe I should start going commando...

I swing open the door quite annoyed. I stare at the short man infront of me with shoulder length tangled hair and thin glasses that sat on the edge of his nose. He wore a red and white logo-ed uniform and matching hat, the shirt having very peculiar white stains on it...

"Domino's delivery for room 3?", The man, or should I say preteen, said in a monotone voice probably having said it a million times before.

"Ummmm", I stare at him longer than necessary.

"A large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese. Come on lady I don't have all day?"

Is this my lucky day? Are u really up there god?

I look up to the ceiling and see my leak stains that I was supposed to get repaired two months ago and shrug.

"Yea that's me, thank you little boy! How much again?", I say while I proceed to pet his head over the hat that hid his greased hair.

"It says you already paid by card, remember?", he said while handing me the heated cardboard box of glory into my hands.

"Ohh yeaahhh", I say trying to pull the most convincing face possible. Although what I didn't realise is that the end product was a mixture of a grin and look of confusion and a sprinkle of the face you make when constipated.

"Old people I swear", he mutters under his breath while adjusting the cap on his head to sit even lower than before on his face.

"I'm the ripe age of 21 for your information. What are you? 12, have some respect for you elders", I spit out, utterly done with this whole ordeal I slam the door on him.

What does a girl have to do for some free pizza?

I hear his light footsteps trudge away slowly but not before I hear a series of giggles that sounded like my little sister on her third birthday during the clown show we had put on for her, guess who was forced to be the clown...

"I'm glad at least someone is amused", I say out loud while pulling out a slice of pizza and watch as the cheese stretches itself to great lengths and cascades down the side of the box.

That could pass as good quality porn I swear...
Speaking of porn!

"I'm back Mr. Grey, hope I didn't leave you waiting for too long.", I pounce into my mattress and rapping myself in the thousands of layers I had on before this and get indulging into my book and my pizza.


*ding dong*

I spoke too soon...

This time I'm angry, I'm sure the person on the other side can probably feel it by my footsteps as I stomp towards the door enraged that the universe dares to disturb me again from my simple pleasures. Millions of thought run through my head, as I walk down the short hallway, of how I'm going slowly murder the person and put their head on a stick warning everyone around me not to disturb during my kinky time.

Maybe it's the lady down the hallway, I never liked that old hag. Or the druggies next door that tried to sell me some 'pure shit' because they were late on rent. I swear to god if it's some stupid Girl scouts I might-

"What do you want you toddler little piece of sh-
Oh hello"
I stare at the dumb found face in-front of me. He seems to not have processed what I've said himself as he takes quite long to lose the shocked expression on his face and form a sentence. I'm not complaining, it gave me enough time to look him up and down.

I see the extravagant silk he is wearing on top with a daring choice of skin tight leather trousers that did a great job of clinging to his legs. What caught my eye was his interesting choice of shoes, seems to be a hybrid of loafer and a slipper with fur -oh god ew- on the inside aswell? I wish I could ask why. Just why?

"I'm sorry to disturb, I was just wondering if my pizza may have delivered to your address I live in 103 and it's been while so I asked the front desk and they pointed me in your direction"

He lives all the way up there! No wonder he dresses like that. Bet he doesn't Gru on his Pajamas though!

"Oh no I don't, terribly sorry! Hope you find it though" it being my second time lying tonight I feel much more comfortable now and dare I say I'm smooth like a snake.

I proceed to shut the door in his face fast until he sticks his foot in the tiny crack that is left. It soon become a battle of who's stronger as I try to crush his gorilla foot and he invades onto my property.

"Cut the bullshit I see a slice in your hand"
I look down towards my hand holding the last slice and realise my utter stupidity. Any sane person at this point would give up, confess and hope to be forgiven and of course hand over the half slice left. But I'm not any sane person, instead I bite back with all I have left:

"Oh cut it, like you probably cut that poor animal to make a fashion statement with those ugly ass things you call shoes. I prefer those annoying ass Girl Scouts y-you Justin Bieber fuckboy wannabe!"

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph! These are Gucci okay?"

"Gucci can suck my ass" and with one last push while he's still processing my last comeback I close the door and lock it.
I feel so accomplished and dramatically I dust my hands.

God he was such pretty blonde though...

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