12. Oh Damn You Got A Nice Rack

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Some of y'all shady people be loving the story and keep reading but not VOTING!!!!!!!!!!!

Please don't forget to VOTE, since I put a lot of hard work and cheesy dialogue to deliver it to you guys and would love some love back.

Also I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit late I was just so blank on how to write it, I'm still not sure if its any good.

Today's song:

Home with you - Madison Beer


I down my fifth shot so far, the burning sensation that once stung became second nature now.

"My asshole clenched just rethinking that", I hit my head against the counter.

"Oh come on, it's wasn't that bad.", he tried to comfort.

"I nearly broke that girl's back!", I look over my shoulder to see her still bickering with the security on how her father the inventor of Toaster Strudel won't be too pleased to hear about this.

"Maybe we should leave before she try's to snatch my weave?", I suggest.

"I knew those locks couldn't be 'nature-al' ", Jin mumured to himself.

We wobble our way out, sober enough to make sure to avoid the yelling blonde as we exit.


We stand in the lobby near the elevator, tapping our feet side to side contemplating on what to say to keep the conversation going.

"So?", Jin drags out.

"So.", I smirk back.

"You know, I made fettuccine this morning, you want to-"

"Yea sure lets go.", I interrupt heading straight to the right. Jin scurries over to catch up with me, although very confident and cocky he seems to crack under tense situations I notice. It was time to take initiative if I wanted anything to happen tonight.

I didn't doll up for nothing.

We head to the elevator, the atmosphere seemed to have grown more lustful. The lobby, corridor and elevator were all empty due to the early hours. It wasn't eerie but relaxing.

We walk in the elevator and stand close not fully utilize the space given. By now my heart was thumping, every past experience that I've had before, ever trick under my sleeve had flown out the window. Jin made me feel like a teenager in love. All new and exciting.

Except, now if I felt like doing something I'd do it.

So like any classy bitch would, I grab his shirt, scrunch it in my hand and pull him close his face now facing mine.

"You know I've never seen your room", I retort to him hoping to drop an obvious enough hint.

"Oh well it's blue and white, yea that's kinda the look I was-"

"Jin, sweetie, is your mental age five?", I giggle, the alcohol making me feel bubbly inside. I lean my head on his chest and rest it there. I now hear his heart beating loudly, maybe even faster than mine and for the first in a while, I feel cherished. Maybe prince charming isn't so smooth after all. We both are just as scare to try something new, to build this relationship off the ground, to invest in such an unlikely pairing.

The elevator doors open and we stride quickly, turn right and walk down to the third door in the hallway.

The beloved apartment 103.

Jin takes his key card out of my clutch that he had now made a habit of holding and taps until the light turns green.

Before I know it I'm being pulled inside by him.

I guess the tables have turned.

Jin pushes me against the door as it closes and leans in towards my face before stopping. He blows small breaths of air against me and I stop breathing completely anticipating what will happen next. And then he does something I could have never expected.

He kisses my cheek.

I could go two ways in this situation, voice my complaints and tease him which would make the situation harder and take much longer to get in the mood again or I could let my actions speak for themselves. So that's exactly what I decide to do.

I grab his face to face me for the second time tonight and with every ounce of confidence in me I subside the fear of rejection and I kiss him. We melt into each other,our shoulder relax, the tension and suspense finally leaving us to haunt other fearful souls.

As we kiss, Jin leads me down the hallway in the dark.

"Ahh!", I say in between the kiss as I hit my ankle against something sharp.

Not wanting this moment to end so quickly, we pretend as if nothing has happened and continue.

Sooner or later I hit something again.

"Oww", I groan against his lip. He rubs my back where I was hit to soothe me.

What a sweetheart.

We continue this tedious routine through the living room continuously knocking things over and exclaiming 'ohh's' and 'ahh's' in pain rather than pleasure. By the the time we had reach his bedroom door and I was hit by the door handle I had enough.

"Seriously, do you Boobitrap your house or something?"

"I'm sorry babe", he whispers into my ear seductively.

Babe? Hallelujah!

Now securely in his room, safe and mostly sound, he proceeds to slowly bring his hand underneath my shirt and lift it up while his other hand holds my waist firmly.

Oh my lord, my dreams are finally coming true.

I lift my arms like a toddler as he undresses me. He pushes me down and my back hits his bed. I swing myself around his duvet in comfort and sink into the sheets while looking up at him leaning over me on the bed on his knees.

"Ahh I finally get to test this Californa king, lucky me?", I say to him giddy inside.

It was like things were finally looking up for me, I had all I could have wanted as a little girl, my very own price charming.

Jin however stays quiet staring down at me, he seemed to be in deep thought as he looked at me until he finally speaks,

"Oh damn, you got a nice rack."

How romantic.



You thought I would write smut but nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I ain't trying to get matured here.

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