13. Oh But Then Something Terrible Happens

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Okayyyyyyyyyyy so it's only the start and I'm already slacking with this book, I'm sorry but like honestly get use to it cuz I'm such a lazy person.

Anyway, I'mma start writing so lets get to it! I think this will be a cute one.

Todays song:

I Like It - Cardi B


"That was-", you slump more into the bed as Jin peels off of you and takes a spot next to you, both panting.

"Amazing", he finishes as he tries to catch his breath after the rollarcoaster of a bedroom journey you both had.

Dare you say you had never even made yourself feel that good. This man may have stuttered and stumbled getting into the sheet but wasted no time in proving any of my negative intuitions false. Jin clearly knew the female body well.

Now both of you laid, arms sweaty and slightly brushing against each other, staring up at the ceiling reminiscing and processing everything that just happened. Looking up you notice the small daisy shaped figures stuck to his ceiling that glowed in the dark room.

This boy was truly a kind of his own.

"So what's up with your place...", you ask because it was something you wondered for a while.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that every room in this place is a different, I feel like I'm walking through an art exhibit. An up and coming artist at that.", you've called curious and annoying at times but you couldn't help but observe and wonder about other peoples lives. Since you and Jin had gotten a level of comfort, you more frequently began to ask questions.

"I wasn't sure so I guess did it all?" he replied as more of a question.

You turn around without your back facing him and he drapes his arm over your waist. The heat from before had left your body and you both lay on top of the duvet cooled down and depending on each others bodily warmth for the night.

"You can give it a makeover with your expertise", he mumbled with his head resting in the nape of my neck.

"And you can build the furniture and paint the white picket fence", I joke resting my face against the pillow, hoping I don't fall asleep just yet.

"And you can pack me lunch in the morning and knit in the afternoon."

"And you can come home to dinner on the dining table and say 'honey im home' while entering." Our imaginations ran wild.

"Oh but then something terrible happens!" Jin exclaims.

His enthusiasm to keep the story going get me excited and I turn around to face him to see his amused expression.

"Oh no, what?", interested to see what he comes up with this time.

"You cheat on me!" he yells into me shoulder.

"With your boss Bob", I continue.

"Oh no, not Bob!" he pretend cries in despair.

"But then-", I say hugging him now while playing with his blonde hair that had grown out to reveal is black roots.

"You get pregnant, and we live happily ever after in a humble home on a hill?", he says again in the questioning tone from before, his voice getting high pitched at the end.

I cant help but break into laughter now, my head leans against his chest as my laugh tickles his skin.

"Hold your horses, tiger."

Although, it felt so natural to talk about the future. Whether it was his cooking I needed to stay alive or my fine taste and judgement he needed to look normal, we needed each other. We knew we had a future. Together.

And now I began to imagine that fairy tale itself, the big family and home cooked meals on the dinning table. Dreaming felt right now, I didn't feel silly for dreaming now, my dreams didn't feel out of reach anymore.

One thing was for sure, I didn't want any humble home on a hill.

I had my Jin and our apartment 103.


Cuteness overload!

Omg its crazy too see our family growing.

Don't be a ghost reader and comment what you like you guys are so funny!

I love you and I'm posting another one tonight to say sorry for my slacking!

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