11. Oh Sh*t, I'm Sorry!

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It's so crazy to see people commenting and voting, don't forget to it helps a lot and keeps me motivated.

Omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg who watched BTS Burn The Stage? I literally couldn't contain my joy I was squealing for so long.

Today's song:

Like I would - Zayn


I stare at my home screen blank, I then glance to the time on the top of my screen and then back to my home screen. I open random apps and scroll through all forms of social media trying to entertain myself but eventually end up back to the home screen. And the process repeats itself. Doubt tries to sneak into my thoughts and I begin to feel conscious with myself. I was acting as if it was a life or death situation.

Did I do anything wrong?

As I begin to analyze my behaviour from the previous day from every gesture I made to every syllable I spoke, my phone rings. I snap out of my gaze and juggle my phone between my hands in shock. Once I finally get a good grip of my phone I swipe right to answer.

Thank god, and here I thought he was dead.

"Oh Jin? Hello", I say in casual and uninterested manner as if I wasn't waiting for his call almost all day.

"Well you picked up quite quickly." Jin says, I could almost feel the smirk he was giving my through the phone. Whoever said boys are clueless when it comes to small details in relationships clearly hasn't met Jin. This boy will pick up on the smallest things to make you blush.

"I was on my phone, don't toot your own horn", I bite back.

"Okay, okay sorry for stating the obvious that your clearly in love with me", Jin replies in fake apologetic tone, I could hear him dicing vegetables through the phone. Besides spending time with me his new hobby has been inventing new recipes for me and the boys to taste test, now my fridge was full of Jin's containers of food to eat on a daily.

"So what's up, why didn't you call all day?", I gave up on the 'not caring' act, he probably knows how much our interactions meant to me by now.

"I'm sorrry, I was trying to prefect the art of making 'Pain au Chocolat', did you know they take a total of threee days to make?", he exclaimed dragging the 'e'.

"You're forgiven, only if you give me half of what you made!", I bargain with him even though I was never truly angry in the first place. My worries about me doing something wrong had subsided as well.

"Of course! I'll bring them over when I come to collect you for our night out...", he says slowly anticipating my reply.

"We're going out are we now?"

"Yea, well I want to take you to this gay club, apparently it best place in the city to have some fun."

"Jin, sweety, is there something you wanta tell me?", I question him teasingly.

"Oh god Y/N, I'm not gay this club is just popping."

"Popping? I want to tell you that I just cringed"

"Whatever, be ready by nine."

"Nine? If we go out at nine what time will we be back?" that was way too late and totally impractical, I wouldn't have time to read once I come back. Jin's reply was just simply hanging up and I knew I had to start preparing myself for long night.


I was almost done preparing myself for the long night ahead. I had so far downed three Coffee's to make sure I don't fall asleep in the middle of a lap dance from a male stripper.

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