15. Trouble in Paradise

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Elena runs to hall.
Elena-Jeremy, you go school. Damon, he won't wake up. Jeremy left. Damon ran upstairs with Elena. He saw Stefan laying face down. Sweat was formed on his forehead. Damon sat on edge of bed.
Damon- Stefan? Stef?
He again didn't get response. He raised  his hand to comb his hair through fingers. He was burning up. Damon knew what had happened. But it can't happen unless…
Stefan stirred. Sure he had snuck out last night and it was also a full moon.

Damon- you are burning up.
He saw three bags intact on a coffee table.
Elena-what’s wrong? Damon-I trusted you Stef.
Stefan smiled little and then turned on his back.

Damon- this isn't funny. You were grounded.
Stefan- and I don’t…
Damon- I’m not a fan of acts Stef.  You do care abt everything that is in your list and I guess I am  part of that list, ergo you care. So… you snuck out?

Stefan- I was hungry. Blood bags are boring.
He tried to get up but failed. Stefan-what’s wrong with me? I…
Elena had realized what was happening to younger Salvatore.
Her voice was fear striken. Damon- someone got in trouble. Stefan- do wolf bite really kills us?
Damon-they do. It wouldn’t have happ if you would have listen to me. I’m not your enemy to think something bad of you. You are my little brother and when I say something it would be for you. Stefan-so I am dying today?

Elena- oh my God. This is… this  is… bad.
Damon-you are not dying Stefan. I’m not letting you. I’ll call your daddy. Stay in bed. This time, listen  to me. Elena, you come with me.

Both left. Damon entered hall and called Klaus.
Klaus-to what do I owe the pleasure of Mr. Salvatore Sr? Damon-I need a favour.
Klaus-and why would I’ll help you?
Damon-yesterday was a full moon night and…
He was stopped from talking further as he heard yellings from upstairs.

Damon- no…
Elena-it's stefan. I’ll be…
Damon- you stay here, I’ll  go upstairs. It is not safe there.
Klaus- what’s going on?
No one answered.

Damon ran to Stefan’s room and he saw Stefan yelling in sleep. Stefan- no… no please… save me… please help… no… please… let me go…
Damon have never heard Stefan begging and watching this strong person or a vampire begging like this was a shocker to him. He went over and kept hold on Stefan’s hand.

Damon-it's okay. You’re  fine. You don’t need help. You’re in your bed, kiddo.
Stefan-what? Who…
Damon-it's Damon… your big brother… you’re fine.

Stefan wrapped his arms around Damon and was crying hard. Damon was surprised by that. Damon wrapped his around Stefan and was now stroking his hair.
Damon-it's okay… you’re fine. Stefan-please, don’t let him drop me, I don’t want to be in there. Damon-I’m not letting anyone hurt you or drop you.

He planted a kiss on side of Stefan’s head. He felt Stefan relax.
He didn't got any response.

Klaus and Elena entered.
Klaus-what happened to him? Damon-a werewolf bit him. Klaus-how could you let that happen?

Damon rolled his eyes and started to explain.
Damon-he was grounded. He killed someone and I had to lie to Liz to keep him safe. He was hungry and I gave him blood bags. He kept them as it is and then snuck out at night and then got bitten.
Klaus-it's stefan. Can't blame you here mate. Put him down.

Damon placed Stefan on pillow. Klaus raised an eyebrow. Damon-hallucinations.

Klaus went behind Stefan and grabbed his head placing it against  his chest. He bit it wrist and placed it in Stefan's mouth. Stefan was drinking now.

Damon-he talked about dropping him. Did someone dropped him? klaus- no. I don’t think that had happened. We should ask him and it should be bad since this is Stefan. (Hissed) easy lad.

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