Chapter 4

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"Ok, I can and will take care of those two myself. Now what else?"

"After what happened with Victor Dashkov I don't want to be a guardian anymore baba." (daddy)

"What did that bastard do to you?!" I could tell that he was gritting his teeth through the question.

'Lord, it looked like we were going to have to go through everything that has happened since Dimitri and I met.' I thought to myself amusedly. 

"A few weeks after the thing with Jesse and Ralph, Victor Dashkov charmed a necklace that he gave to my Roza. It was charmed with a lust charm..."

"HE DID WHAT?!!! He is a fucking dead man." My father seethed.

Apparently, my father is very protective of me, he and Dimitri rival each other in their protectiveness of me. I would never admit this to anyone except for Dimitri of course. But it actually felt really good having someone love me enough to be protective of me for a change. Instead of me always having to protect myself and everyone else.

"Did he... did he... did he touch you, Rose?" He asked what was probably the most difficult question that he'd ever had to ask anyone before in his life.

"No baba, the necklace was charmed specifically for me and Dimitri. He wanted to get us out of the way, keep us from protecting and saving Lissa from him, so that he could kidnap Lissa and make her heal him." (daddy)

"The man is certifiable." Baba said more to himself than us I think. (daddy)

"After Roza and I broke the spell we went to save Lissa, but before we could get there Victor had an air user torturing Lissa and by extension my Roza. Because of Lissa bringing Roza back from the dead a one way bond was formed between the two of them. Roza can see, hear, feel and experience everything that Lissa does and she can also read Lissa's mind."

"So what you're saying is that everything that Dashkov had done to Lissa, my Rose also felt it?"


"Yes, he is going to have a little accident in Tarasov. A very painful and very bloody accident indeed."

"Mitya, already threatened to have him killed if he ruined my name and tried to destroy my career. By telling about what happened that night but he told anyway. Nobody acted as though they believed him but he still told everyone that was at his trial. He just didn't bother saying that it was because of a charm that he himself had put on us."

"Is there anything else that I should know?"

"Well, also due to being returned from the land of the dead, when Roza is outside the wards she is in massive amounts of very server pain. Because of her leaving the world of the dead behind the dead try to reclaim her every chance that they get. It's like a tug of war over Roza between the land of the dead and the land of the living. Which is what causes her pain, she says it's like she is being torn in half, with the land of the dead pulling her towards it trying to reclaim her. While the land of the living does the same trying to maintain its possession of her, neither wanting to relinquish their hold on her. We have been able to do a little research from the library and archives here at the academy. But there just isn't much information available about being shadow kissed or about spirit magic either one here."

"Which is actually odd if you think about it because St. Vladimir was a spirit user and his guardian, shadow kissed Anna was in fact shadow kissed by and to him." I explained to my father.

"Yes, that does seem odd. I would think if there was going to be information on either of them it would be the academy named for him."

"We thought so as well. But there is just not very much here at all, a few books are the extent of the information here." Dimitri filled my father in on the lack of information that the two of us have found.

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