Its hard sometimes

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Oh god oh god oh god why why why!!!
You cursed under your breath as you ran through the slick alleyways. Turning a sharp corner clutching your bag for dear life your foot slips sending you crashing into trash bags and trash cans.
"Son of a- shit!" You scramble to your feet ignoring the searing, burning, pain crawling up your leg and the sticky, red, warm spot accumulating in your hand. You look behind you and see no one following you, you slow your run to a light jog and then finally slow down to a walk and finally end up grabbing your chest trying to catch your breathe as you lean against the wall.
It's definitely Monday... You thought and sneered slightly at the irony. Everything bad happens on Mondays. You finally caught your breath and immediately started feeling all the pain you were in and looked down at your leg and saw the swelling begin. Damn it, you thought and started seeing the ground beneath you waver. You shook your head and rubbed your eyes trying to clear the image but nothing worked. Just as you start to move again a large hand bolts out from the cement and wraps itself around your swelling ankle causing you to scream out in pain.
"Whhhhyyyyy'd ya rrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuunnnn liiiike thaaaaaat gooooorgeooooooooous? (Why'd ya run like that gorgeous?)" the words gurgled from the cement as a full body rose from what was solid ground, flipping you upside down as the massive torso climbed up. You protested in pain and pulled at the solid finger gripping tighter and tighter.

"Aw is somebody useless?" The cement man poked and teased ripping your bag away from you and dumping out the contents. He rummaged through your wallet cleaning it out and taking its valuables, he gave you a shake by your hurt leg and you let out a sob sound.
" Poor poor quirk less thing...." He said brushing a jutted cement finger across your cheek slicing it he leaned forward and pressed a surprisingly soft and warm tongue to your cheek and licked the spot he had just opened.
"No ones gonn-"
Just like that you were dropped back into the trash, you let you a gasp of pain and reached for your belongings. A mans hand reached downward towards you making you flinch slightly you looked up seeing oily raven colored hair with mummy like wrappings and goggles. You watched as he lazily lifted his goggles revealing bloodshot obsidian eyes.

"Can you walk?" He asked dryly, you nodded fully knowing you couldn't and stood up only to fall into the man arms, "Hold on tight." Was all he said before he launched the two of you into the cold rainy sky.
He landed you softly on the roof top of the nearest building and preceded to take off his jacket. You watched him closely, "Who are you?" You thought out loud sounding more rude than you intended. Your had shoots up to your mouth and you see the man smile in amusement. "I'm a hero... I thought it was obvious." He said sarcastically pushing his goggles back over his soaking bangs, revealing blood shot tired eyes. He draped the jacket over your head protecting it from the cold rain, you stared at him with a irritated look, "Seriously.... You've got a name don't you?" You pressed only to see his smile widen in your obvious irritation, "Yeah." Was all he said, you stared waiting for him to continue and sigh in frustration when you realized this was going no where. You watched as he walked to the edge of the rooftop looking down where you had just been, "I think he's out... For now anyway. Can you walk?" He asked the same question as before, you felt your blood start to boil.
You stand up against your body's own will and gritting your teeth through the pain you calmly replied, "I don't need your help." Tossing the jacket at the mans back you struggle against the slick surface and through the pain. You take a step curse under your breath and take another only to have your knees buckle under you. A strong rough hand grips you under the elbow, "I said I-" your words are cut off by a huge chunk of cement being hurled in your general direction. The raven haired man quickly wrapped his arm around your waist and hurled the two of you through the air to the next building.

The voice cracked loudly with the rolling thunder. You were now on a new rooftop with your back against the entrance wall with a big hand over your mouth and the body of the raven haired man pushed firmly against yours.
"Shit...." You heard him say under his breath, he looked down at your big E/C eyes.
"I've got to get you out of here but I need to know if you can walk and if you can follow directions..." He said softly leaning into your ear keeping his voice low so the huge monster below couldn't hear. His closeness and breath in your ear made you shudder slightly. His hand slid from your mouth to your shoulder. The warmness of his breath left as he pulled back to await your response.
You didn't trust your voice so you simply nodded, he smirked "Yes you can walk or yes you can follow directions?" he asked monotone with a hint of amusement in his voice, making the tips of your ears burn. You open your mouth to respond and his hand flies over your mouth again and his body is firmly pressed against you again, his closeness is dizzying. A cement chunk flies by the two of you again, "Shit, listen to me and follow directions.... I'm going to take you to another rooftop and I need you to get out of this area. Now." He said firmly, his eyes felt like they were burning a hole into your soul. All you could do was nod in reply. Wrapping his arm around your waist again he flung both of you through the air only to have both of you shot down by a chunk of cement.

Eraserhead x reader (My Hero Academia) ((lemon))Where stories live. Discover now