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You start to walk in and are stopped by a firm grasp on your arm. You look at the hero and he holds his hand up giving you a wait motion and walks into your apartment. He walks around the corner disappearing and comes back, when he does you notice his eyes are glowing red and his hair is standing on ends, he's holding one of his loose mummy wrapped scarfs in his hand. You gasp slightly as his hair falls back down and his eyes return to they're usual bloodshot boredom. He pulls a little bottle of eye drops drops out and carefully places one in each eye.
"It's clear," he breathes dryly, "you have a very... humble apartment." He added. You rolled your eyes, "Sorry it's not a gold plated mansion like you probably live in..." you say under your breath removing your shoes. He follows suit not saying anything back and follows you back into your minimally decorated apartment.

You hear something clatter in your bathroom and jump, you feel yourself being pushed against a wall and a hand flies to your mouth. The hero mouths 'shhhh', his closeness made your breath catch in your throat, he looked like he did before, wild. He stepped away walking toward the sound and you feel your heart climb it's way into your throat with every step he takes toward the door. He places a hand on the handle and barges into the bathroom.

Your calico cat comes bolting out and runs under the couch. You clutch at your chest and laugh a little. The hero walks back out and places a few more eye drops into his tired looking eyes.
"I didn't take you for a cat person." He said void of expression. "Y-yeah I grew up around them and I love having to work for their attention." You say with a hint of sarcasm finally at ease walking to the kitchen.
"Would you like something to drink? I've got water, tea, beer, whisk-" you start listing off the drinks and were cut off by him saying "whiskey, straight." You looked over at the hero who had now taken up one of the magazines on your table and flipped through it lazily. You fixed him and yourself a straight whiskey and return to the living room. You sit across from him on a chair and pick up (your favorite book) and begin reading in the silence. Your cat slowly crawled out from under the couch and sniffed around the hero.
"What's her name?" You her a deep voice ask shaking you slightly, you had forgotten he was there, "Her name is Lottie... how did you know she was a she?" You ask slightly shocked, you watched him carefully as he reached his hand down to the cat and let her sniff, Lottie took her time smelling every finger on the hero's hand. You watched in awe as she rubbed her head desperately into his hand trying to get him to pet her,
"Wait, she never lets any stranger touch her..." you'd say softly watching as Lottie exposed her belly to him. "95% of calicos are female." He stated poking slightly at the cats belly. He sat back grabbing his drink off the table tilting it toward you as a thanks. He took a long slip from the glass and set it back down running a hand through his hair.

"How did you get that scar on your face?" You ask unashamed taking a long drink from your glass as well. He stared hard at you and you stared right back unwavering this time. The hero grabbed his glass and slammed the rest of his whiskey, "Want another?" You ask slamming yours in response. You saw a sparkle in his eye and a smirk tug at the corner of his lips, "Sure, why not?" He asked sitting back crossing his leg over the other.
You return with the drinks now with twice as much as before. He held his cup up to you and you held yours up to him and you both took a long drink. You sat back and Lottie jumped in your lap purring, you pet her a few times and she curls up into herself in your lap content.
"So... how did you get that scar?" You ask again scratching the top of Lottie's head.
You heard the hero scoff, "I'm a teacher a-" you coughed slightly while taking a drink, "You, you're a teacher? With your attitude?" You sneer at him and he takes another long drink, "Yeah at UA actually." He replied sucking his teeth.
You lean forward listening intently and he sighs, rubs his temples and continues.

"I'm the uh homeroom teacher of 1-A and we were going on this field trip to the USJ," he paused taking another long drink that turned into him slamming the almost half full drink. You looked at him puzzled and grabbed his empty glass and taking it to make another. "That's Unforeseen Simulation Joint, it's a giant amusement park of death and training... anyway the League of Villains...." he paused for a moment and sat forward as you returned with another full glass, he took a long drink. He sat there on the edge of the chair for what felt like an eternity.

"I uh I felt this weird... presence and saw a warp hole. I told the students to stay back and remain together and told the other teacher there to protect them... this guy was there and he was covered in hands," he said letting out a little chuckle "Literally covered in hands!" He said looking at the perplexed look on your face, he took  another sip and returned to his somber storytelling, "This hand guy has this ridiculous quirk that decays stuff when he touches it and he grabbed my elbow and disintegrated it down the the deepest muscle tissue," he said rolling up his sleeve, you gasp slightly at the multitude of scars covering the mans arms, you reach out instinctively tracing them gently.
You realized what you were doing and sat back in your chair taking a lot deep drink from your glass, "but uh anyway he did that and when I backed up I backed up into this brain looking guy," he scoffed, you could hear the bitterness swelling in his voice
You watching his movements slowly as he reaches for his drink again and watch as his Adam's apple slowly moves as he drinks. He places the cup down and you go to fix one more each, as you return you find him laying on the floor with Lottie wiggling his fingers in front of her face.
You place the drink on the table and the hero takes a deep breath, "So brain dude is strong.... they made him to kill All Might, and he just broke every single bone in my body...." he said every word more and more full of hate.
"Hand guy noticed a few of my students and went to kill them and in the last second I was able to use my quirk and save my kids..." he said now staring at his out reached hand, "after that brain guy decided the bash my face into the fucking concrete..." he said making a fist and then dropping an open palm flat on his face.
"That's... how I got this scar." He said touching it softly. You crawled out of your chair and over to him looking over him. He peeked through a finger at you. You reached a hand out tracing the lines of the jagged scar down to a more out of place hair brushing it back behind his ear. He moved his hand staring at you with a drunken pink tint swelling across his face.
He reached a hand up to your face and quickly moved it back. You sat up from looking at him  and he sat up rest his elbow on his knee and his chin on his hand.
"I-I didn't know you were so brave, Eraserhead..." you say softly trying to break the tension, you heard him scoff, "Call me Aizawa... It's my job as a hero." He waved your compliment off. You stand up wobbly and walk to in front of him. His eyes tiredly slide up your body and make eye contact with you.
"It's more than that. It's like you said earlier you could've easily just let someone el-" you're startled by his sudden movement, in one swift move he stood up and has his face close to yours, "I am a teacher first and a hero second. These kids didn't deserve to be attacked like that if I hadn't, someone, one of my students could've died." He finished in a heated wave.
His breath was so close, you opened your mouth to say something and was cut off by an abrupt push against the wall and thin lips covering yours.

Eraserhead x reader (My Hero Academia) ((lemon))Where stories live. Discover now