Say yes

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You're stunned for a moment as his lips hungrily kisses yours, though his lips were dry, his kiss sexually deprived him for so long, his kiss was soft and tender. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss by opening your mouth. You heard his breath shudder slightly and felt his body shudder with you as he carefully explored the crevices of your mouth. Your hands found their way to the thickest strands of the mans hair and pulled slightly eliciting a deep quiet moan from the back of his throat, his hands made their way to the backs of your thighs as he roughly picked up you effortlessly.

He plopped you on the kitchen counter and broke the kiss breathing ragged he put his forehead on yours looking at you breathless and flushed, "I... won't... keep going until you say... yes." He breathed out shakily and softly but in his usual bored sounding voice. You snickered slightly and took his bottom lip into your mouth sucking softly on it causing him to hiss slightly, "Yes..." you breath out softly. That was all he needed, he placed his hands on your thighs and shoved them open placing himself between them and started kissing and sucking on your neck leaving an array of love marks.

You bite your lip and tug slightly at the heros shirt. You pull it over his head and gasp softly, not from his body shape but the multitude of puckered scars and fresh bruises and scratches. He goes to kiss you again and you are the one to put your hand over his mouth. He glares at you as you push him back and look him over again but he doesn't remove your hand. You stand there for what seems like hours just admiring the work this man had done.
You remove the hand from his mouth and lean forward kissing the scar under his eye. You feel him stop breathing as you move your hands over his scarred chest and abdomen. You lean forward peppering his chest with kisses on his bruises and scars, you feel him grab your chin and kiss you roughly. He pulled you in close to his body and kissed you hard enough to feel like he was trying to drink you.
He stopped kissing you suddenly and his eyes went red and his hair stood on end . Your eyes widened as he looked around. Lottie had jumped on the counter, he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, "Damn cats..." he said with a dry irritable laugh. He lifted his head and brushed a piece of H/C hair behind your ear. His hand lingered on your cheek. As he leaned in to kiss you again. As he did the glass in the living room shattered. You both snapped to the direction and held your breaths as a black ball rolled in with a short lit fuse.
A lot happened in a few seconds. You blinked and next thing you know your clutching on to your cat being propelled off your balcony into the full alleyway below. An explosion in your living room follows suite as you land with a thud and a groan, you had let go of Lottie who had run down the familiar alleyway to hide.

Good stay hidden... you thought now sore once again. You stand up stiff and are surprised by 3 monstrous villains walking toward you, you back into the way and gulp.
A-aizawa... where did you go?! You scream in your head as a man with a materializing spear approached running. You felt yourself begin to cower and your eyes snap open when you hear a thud on the ground and see the man laying in front of you. You see the other 2 men look at each other in confusion and watch as one turns into water and the other stomps their feet into the ground making vines crawl up their leg. You feel yourself start to shudder with fear as they too begin to charge you.

This time you keep your eyes open and are shocked to find a shirtless Eraserhead hair on ends fighting with his scarves that have a mind of their own. Watching him was amazing, you mouth hangs open slightly as he picks both of the villains up and slams them into the walls. The crackling of the fire from your apartment fills the deafening quiet that now is spilling into the alleyway. You can hear Aizawa breathing heavily and watch as his hair falls down. He turns to look at you, "Are you ok?" He asks concerned but in his usual sounding tone.

"Y-yeah I'm good.Thanks... again..." you say soberly turning back to your burning home. You hear foot steps behind you and then hear them quicken, "Y/N! Move!!" You hear the hero yelled as he ran toward you. You look down and see the ground wavering beneath you, your breath catches in your throat as you look up meeting the heroes eyes desperately. You reach a hand out and are immediately sucked down into the cement all the way up past your mouth just below your nose, allowing you to breath but not very well.

"Heeeeeeeeyyyyyy aaaaaaaagaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnn bbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby giiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrllllllllll... (hey again baby girl...)", you hear the familiar sickening gargle and see the body form beside you.

"You better just hold your ass Eraserhead or I'll crush her." You heard him say and felt the cement around you tighten, you let out a small whimper and look at Eraserhead desperately.
You watched as he stopped in his tracks, "Fuck. You." He spit, grinding his teeth.
You saw him give you a discreet thumbs up and you relaxed slightly. You watched as he put his hands down to his side and reached down and watched his fingers brush against something that started blinking. Your eyes widened.
Had he planned all of this??? What about before... you thought feeling you eyes sting with tears filled with hurt pride.

You watched as the two men circled each other. "Now now that's not very nice to say Eraserhead, I'll just crush your little girlfriend..." you felt the cement tighten once more. You could feel you lungs capacity shrinking. You heard the hero scoff, "Go ahead she's just my food card for this week, after this I'll never have to see her shitty spoiled self again... do it..." he breathed challenging the cement man. You felt the tears spill on to your cheeks as you stared silently and helplessly. You looked at Eraserhead and cried silently, you could see the almost begging apologetic look in his eyes.

"You're weak!" You heard the cement man yell throwing a punch trying to connect with Aizawas body, you held your already limited breath when the cement mans fist flew into the wall of the vacant restaurant. You struggled as the fight moved into the Main Street but it was no use.
You struggled and struggled until you began to get light headed. The area had gotten tighter around you slowly, the further he got the tighter the hole got.
The last thing you remember was another cement man pulling you out and a wooden man calling an ambulance.

Beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep...
Your eyes flutter open to sound of the heart monitor and the smell of a sterile hospital room.
You shoot up in the bed and touch your face slightly. "Easy there cowboy... didn't I tell you before that your hands are dirty and not to touch stitches if you have them..." You hear a familiar monotone voice say dryly, you look at the window and see Aizawa standing there with a bored expression. You look him over and see anew bruise on his face and a fresh cut on his cheek. You breath out in little puffs of air and inhale in a stutter and break out into a sob.
You cry and cry loudly.
You feel the bed shift next to you and feel the mans arms wrap around you. You fall into his arms and wrap yours around his waist and sob into his shirt. He rests his head on the top of yours, "It's ok... it's over..." he breaths against your hair soothing your loud cries rocking you until you fall asleep.

Eraserhead x reader (My Hero Academia) ((lemon))Where stories live. Discover now