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Hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months before your cast was finally removed. You gave your toes a weak wiggle after the vibrating from the saw. Now began a whole new adventure in the healing process, physical therapy.
You went every day to start, slowly building your muscles back into shape. One day you're walking on the treadmill in the office and look up when you see a bunch of commotion from the staff and other patients.
A black haired raven man walked nonchalantly around the corner avoid the questions and papers being pushed in his direction.
He scans the room lazily before his eyes rest on you, he begins walking in your direction. You look down at the still moving floor of the treadmill and keep walking. You see a pair of black shoes stop in front of the treadmill and hear a deep throat clearing. You refuse to look up, you see his hand reach over and push the emergency stop button. The machine stops and you jolt a little.
"I need to speak with you." He says flatly before turning on his heal back the way he came through the stunned doctors and nurses. You feel your face heat slightly as you step off the treadmill and follow him. He takes you to a office room and holds the door open for you. You step inside and see the detective from a few months earlier at the beginning of this ordeal.
"Detective Tsukauchi, i-its good to see you again." You stutter out surprised to see him. You hear the door close behind you forgetting the hero was there. He leaned against the door, "Have a seat." He said dry as ever. You turn and look at him giving him a look and sit across from the detective, he looked serious.
"Miss L/N, it's good to see you up and moving again." He offered a smile of fake reassurance. "What's going on?" You asked sharply looking at the man then turning and looking at the hero with fire in your eyes. The hero just stared back silently and nodded toward the detective. You turned back and saw the man had pulled a folder out with pictures of the villain who had attacked you a few months earlier.
"We... we lost him, Miss L/N. We believe he may try to come after you again since he was following you to your place of residence we..." his words tuned out into the strained buzzing of the over head lights. You felt your head start to spin and grab your collar away from your neck.
"I-I need air..." you breathed out in a panic and turned to run smack into the hero. He stared down into your widening E/C orbs as if sensing the panic starting. You stared back into his eyes and your breathing started returning to normal, he put his hands on your shoulders and turned you back around to the detective.
"I know this is a lot to take in Miss L/N, and I can't imagine what you must be feeling but Mr. Eraserhead has agreed to be your bodyguard until we find him again." A lump caught in your throat and you turned to look at the bored looking hero.
You turned and looked back, "Am.... Am I a decoy?" You spat out feeling yourself get angry. "No, not at all Miss-" the detective started, "Yes." Eraserhead stared plainly.
Dead silence.
The tension grew thick in a matter of seconds as you turned around slowly to look at the hero.
"How. Dare. You. I'm not just some-" The hero had closed the space between the two of you and firmly planted his hand over your mouth, "Shhhhh..." he said bringing his free finger to his lips. "Sh sh sh sh. I'm not any happier about this than you are but for some bizarre fucked up reason this villain as the hots for you. So yes. Yes you're a decoy. Get over it." He finished removing his hands from you and turning back to where he was standing previously, your mouth was just gaped open at him. You had no words left, you turned to look at the detective to get some kind of explanation or anything. He refused to meet your eyes and rubbed the back of his neck. You left out a little scoff and turned back to the hero who was still standing in the doorway. His arms were crossed over his chest as he stared down at you with widening eyes.
"Move." You said as hard as you could. The hero didn't budge.
"MOVE!" You yell feeling angry tears well up in the corners of your eyes. The hero rolled his eyes at you and stepped to the side freeing up the door. You reach for the door handle and open the door slamming it behind you. You walk as fast as your newly healed leg will allow you back into the physical therapy room, tears spilling angrily down your cheeks. "F/N... maybe you should-" your trainer started noticing the amount of distress you were in, "I'm fine." You snap more rude than you intended. Fresh tears spilled and you wiped them away with the back of your hand, and continued with your previous therapy session.

You finished drained of all energy physically and emotionally. You set your appointment for the following day and walk out the front door. You run smack into a solid body.
"Oh my goodness I'm so- it's just you..." you start and then look up realizing it's the hero.
He gave you a wild looking smirk, "WOW... you're just a fucking peach aren't you?" the hero said sarcastically, you squinted and scoffed at him, "I can't believe a bastard like you is a hero you have no sympathy for people let alone how could you even talk-" he covered your mouth again with his hand "You talk way to much so, I'm going to just go ahead and say this, don't be a little shit. I didn't have to do anything about this. I could simply just walk away and let someone else deal with it but you know what, I didn't walk away because I felt responsible for this shithead getting away." With the last word he removed his hand from your mouth leaving you standing there feeling a little sheepish.
You watched the hero shove his hands in his pockets and then turn the way your apartment was, "So let's get you home so I can catch this bastard..." he said under his breath walking away from you. You watched his back as he walked away, feeling a little bad for your rudeness.
You walk quickly to catch up to him and fell easily into a rhythm next to him. You open your mouth to say something but close it, you talk way too much, rang in your ears. You catch a sideways glimpse of the hero, your walking on his right side and notice he has a deep looking scar under his eye. You make a mental note and realize he's looking at you side eyed too. You finally reach your apartment and as your opening the door you turn to the hero, "I'm sorry..." you say softly and invite the hero in.

Eraserhead x reader (My Hero Academia) ((lemon))Where stories live. Discover now