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Instead of crashing into the hard surface you crashed into the hero as you both collided to he ground and proceeded to roll. You lift your head slowly and touch a wetness dripping down your forehead and see it's red, your eyes search and land on a lifeless looking hero. Panic starts to set in but you can't find your voice to call out to him.
Monstrous footsteps fall closer and closer slapping cement against cement. "I'm going to break every bone in your body and then I'm going to end this Eraserhead!" The voice sounded more animalistic as the steps got quicker.
He was running.
Shit shit shit!
You cursed in your head you looked back over to where the hero lay to find him gone. You try to push yourself up but your body won't let you.
It's too tired, too broken.
You lay your head back on the cement and the last thing you remember seeing is the raven haired man trying his hardest to fight the cement man back.

Beep... beep... beep... beep... beep

Your eyes flutter open to the sound of a heart monitor beeping monotone and the smell of a sterile room. You blink a few times to collect your thoughts and see your leg wrapped in a cast and elevated in a sling. You look at your arms and see they're covered in assorted colored bruises and scratches. You reach for your head and you're slightly startled by the prick of stitches just above your eyebrow.
The door slides open, "Ah! Great you're awake!" A plucky brunette nurse hummed in delight. "If you're feeling up to it the police have a few questions for you and the hero you were with would like to see you as well."
Your head jerked up. That's right.... the fight.... you thought to yourself touching the stitches again absentmindedly, you cringed from the tenderness. "Ho-how long have I been... o-out?" You asked softly feeling panic build in your chest as the heart monitor reflected .
"2 days, please take a deep breath and try to relax, I'll tell them to come ba-" you cut her off a lot quicker than you intended, "No! Pl-please, I'd rather get it done now...." you finished in a rush staring at your hands feeling a heat spread to your ears.
"I'll send them in right away." She nodded and walked back out. You stared at your scratched beaten hands and then out the window. It's raining again... you thought with a dark sense of humor, I'll just get released and- a knock at the door startled you from your twisted thought process, "C-come in..." You stuttered out realizing just how nervous you really were. A tall man walked in from behind the drawn curtain and took his hat off and held it tightly with both hands.
"It's good to see you're awake and doing better Ms. L/N, my name is Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa. Do you feel up to a few questions? I could come back if you'd like." The mans voice was soft and gentle making a small smile break out across your face. "Miss, if you please Detective. I shouldn't have made it out alive." You said plainly still staring out the window, "Now about those questions..." you carried on, he asked the standard run of the mill questions, what were you doing? Why were you alone? Did you know the villain who attacked? Did you have a quirk?  You felt yourself rubbing your temples at the end of the questioning, feeling even more tired. 

The detective seemed to take a hint and stood slowly collecting his things and pulling out a business card said, "I understand your tired Miss L/N, this must've been quite the ordeal . It can be difficult to be powerless sometimes." He offered you a kind genuine smile and handed you his business card,"I hope you get plenty of rest, Miss L/N." He said and exited back out the curtain leaving you alone in the room again with the beeping of the ever monotone heart monitor and the soft slap of rain against the window.

You sat in there losing yourself in the bits and pieces of memory you remembered from the fight.
That man... Eraserhead... he... saved me?
You thought to yourself touching your stitches again.

"You shouldn't touch those." A bored sounding deep voice rattled from behind you, your head shot over to the voice and let out a sigh of relief to see the oily haired hero standing there. You looked him over in the blinding, buzzing fluorescent lights. His bloodshot tired looking eyes, the scruff on his face, his thin dry lips, he had bruises on his face, hands wrapped, all clad in black- "Your hands hold more germs than any door handle. Don't. Touch. Them." He broke you away from your thoughts as if he could read them, your face flushed slightly.
"I'll keep that in mind." You returned flatly. You watched as his lips crinkled into a little smile revealing some teeth.
"It's good to see you awake." He stated matter of factly walking to the window. "You're pretty strong for someone who doesn't have a quirk" he said staring out the window. That's the millionth time in your life someone has told you you don't have a quirk. You felt your hands curl up into fists in the sterile sheets.

"What was he after?" He got right to the point turning and staring at you with a bored expression. You sat there looking at your hands not meeting his gaze and you see him move closer, "What. Was. He. After." He spoke each word and syllable clearly moving closer to the bed by each one. "I.. I-" you start but can't form the words, "I really don't know he tried following me home and I freaked out when he made advances and then when I refused he started chasing me and then I tripped and he caught up... he was just toying with me..." you said in a rush, "I don't have anything of importance and I don't know why he was after me... honestly..." you said still staring at your hands, you could feel the heros stare barring into your soul. A rough sigh came out from the man lips causing you to flinch and slowly meet his tired gaze, "I hate that this is happening more frequently but I guess that what villains do, they just know." He said rambling sitting on the end of the hospital bed.
He seemed deep in thought, "I uh I wanted to thank you f-for saving me and all." You said softly staring back at your hands earning you a scoff from the hero, "It's my job. It's just good I was passing through or-" his words cut off and his eyes slightly widened to indicate the thought or you'd be dead. Your skin begin to itch from this man lack of sensitivity and his inability to read the room. He pushed on, "I mean you could've just as easily as given the guy your purse and we wouldn't be in-", this made you snap, "Is that all you really wanted to do? Huh? Make fun of me? Degrade me? Humiliate me? Look at the quirkless girl she can't defend herself, she should just give up." The last two words came out in a sob. You buried your face in your hands tears falling angrily and tired from your eyes.

You felt the bed shift and then was startled to feel a hand on the top of your head, "The only one who has a problem with you not having a quirk is you. Don't sell yourself short because you have no quirk, I know plenty of people with quirks who wouldn't have survived what you went through." He said in his monotone voice, though the inflection sounded a little different. He let out a long exasperated sigh, looking out the window and anywhere other than you, he wasn't a man that was good at comforting people. You sniffed when his hand left your head and didn't lift your head again until you heard footsteps walk toward the curtain and then the rustling of it opening. You looked up and rubbed the tears from your eyes, 'Don't sell yourself short because you have no quirk' , you had heard a lot of encouragement over the years, ever since you found out you were quirkless.
From adults, from kids anyone who wasn't quirkless tried to make you feel better but they didn't know it was more like rubbing salt in a wound. The heros words though sounded genuine. He sounded like he was concerned. Maybe you were reading too far into things. You felt a new set of tears welling up in your eyes and hugged yourself as you dissolved into silent sobs mixed with distant thunder.

Eraserhead x reader (My Hero Academia) ((lemon))Where stories live. Discover now