Morning glow

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(Since I had so many reads I decided to do a fluff chapter ☺️)

Sunlight filtered into the small room lazily behind the curtains letting in a soft after glow. Your eyes ran under the lids avoiding any inkling that you should be waking up. The warmth filled your veins and bones as the sun bounced off your arms making light shadows dance across the small sliver of space in the curtain, you stretched slightly trying not to disturb the sleeping man next to you.
You carefully got up and walked to the bathroom, startled to see your reflection in the mirror, the amount of little bruises and bites. After using the restroom and flushing the commode you slowly opened the door and took a peek at the still sleeping man. The sunlight illuminated the soft white skin of his back in a delicate stream of morning light and his oily raven hair tousled more than usual, you walked slowly over to the futon and lay back down next to the man.
You reached your hand out toward the sliver of light touching his back and as your fingers made contact you felt the man shiver under your touch slightly. He lazily rolled over facing you with a deep frown covering his face.
You watched as the hero yawned and stretched his arms over his head and arched his back in a long cat like move. Once he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes he sat up and lazily dragged his naked form to the window drawing the curtains even more closed and dragged himself back to the bathroom.
You heard the toilet flush and the door slide open as he once again stretched his naked body standing tall. You admired the amount of muscle he had but was even more astounded by the amount of scars he was covered in. You watched as he walked back to the futon and laid back down, pulling the blanket up over his lap then staring at the ceiling.
You stared up with him as you both lay there in comfortable silence.
You jumped when you felt a poke at your shoulder and you looked to see he had stretched his arm out to the side inviting you into his arm. You moved over closer to him laying your head on his shoulder and draped your leg over his. You felt his arm wrap around you slowly as he took a sharp, deep inhale.

"You Alright there?" You ask softly your voice still ladled with sleep, all the man did was nod as he shuffled and moved and wiggled his way down so his head rested against your bare chest. You felt your arms wrap around the heros neck unconsciously and pull him into you closer.
You begin raking your finger through the mans hair and felt him hum in delight as if he were almost purring. You inhaled deep and closed your eyes again before laying back more relaxed against the pillow.
"You Alright there?" You hear a low monotonous grumble. You smiled to yourself and nodded as you raked your finger through his hair again and tugged slightly you heard the man let out a huff and wrap his free arm around your waist and pulling himself into your chest closer.
You smiled to yourself well aware that the man hugging you so closely can't see it, you felt him pull away and prop himself up on his elbow staring at you with his usual bored look.
"What do you want to do?" He asked casually, you smiled, the only thing you wanted to do was lay there all day with this man you've started falling for. You felt your face flush as the true thought invaded your mind you simply threw your hands up in a I'm not sure look and watched as he carefully stared into what felt like your soul.
He flopped down and grabbed his pillow, "Well how about we just... stay in bed?" You heard the man say softly, your smile reached from ear to ear, "Aizawa... you big ole cuddle bug..." you say teasingly as you received a red eyed glare. You held back a laugh between pursed lips because his bed head hair was whipping around in a tangled early morning mess. You let a laugh slip and immediately started laughing harder to the point you felt your eyes water, you wiped to corner of your eyes and noticed the hero looking at you with a sight pink tint on his face. He quickly looked away, you started gathering early on he wasn't good at showing intimacy.
"I'm ok with just staying in bed..." you say softly and watch the pink ting on his face spread a little more.
He cleared his throat slightly and sat up for a moment and held a finger out before getting out of bed and walking to his dresser. He pulled out two pair of boxers and a t shirt. You watched as he carefully slipped a pair on himself and threw you the other pair and shirt. You looked at him curiously, "I thought we were staying in bed?" You say slipping the shirt over your head, when you head popped out you realized the man was staring at your Now covered chest, you stood up and slowly slid on the boxers.
You stood back up straight and noticed the man had closed the gap between you and was staring at you with a flustered but bored expression. He leaned forward placing a small delicate kiss on your forehead. You placed a hand on his cheek and felt him lean into your hand, as if he had been shocked he quickly stepped back then walked for the door.

"Stay here." He said firmly but you could've sworn the corners of his lips were twitching. You nodded and walked toward the window, now that you were more awake you carefully peeled back the curtain viewing the bright morning world. You watched as the sun carefully and slowly peaked through the trees and the sky turned from its vast dark hues to a blood red fading into a pink and orange dessert with purple to white cloud topping. You heard footsteps coming behind you, you turned to see the hero squinting into the now bright morning light with two cups of coffee in his hand.
He handed one to you and you graciously took it letting the warmth of your cup deep into your chilled hands. You carefully took a sip and watched the hero do the same before turning back to the futon, "Make sure you close those when you're done." You heard the hero say before letting out a long groan after laying back down. You smiled to yourself out the window and took another drink of the black liquid, you reluctantly turned from the beautiful view and closed the curtain closing you back into the dark room. You let your eyes adjust for a moment as you carefully walked toward the futon laying next to the man again. You reached a hand toward a piece of his unruly bed hair and brushed a piece from his face. You felt him nuzzle into your hand slightly as you tucked the piece of hair behind his ear.
You reached for the top of his head and softly started petting his head causing the mans face to suddenly flop into the pillow. You continued for a moment until your heard his breathing get slower and heavier. You leaned over to kiss him on the cheek and were surprised as when you leaned down he opened his eye at you and leaned up so you kissed his lips. You felt him start to sit up slightly not breaking the kiss, you felt a heavy calloused thumb gently pad across your cheek.
You pulled away breaking the kiss and set the cup down and placed both hands on either side of his face and bring his lips crashing into yours. You felt strong arms wrap around you and pull you down so you're laying on your back with the hero hovering over you. This time the hero broke the kiss, you breath slightly heavy you laugh causing the hero to look at you more than confused.
"You really are like a cat you know." You say looking at him admiring the small smile that had crossed his lips. He lay down resting his head in the crook of your neck and you felt his tongue drag lazily across your neck making you squeal slightly then laugh softly, the hero rested his head in your neck, you felt his shoulder softly shudder and heard a soft snore escaping the heros lips.
You smiled and placed a kiss on the top of the heros head and pulled away slightly tucking your arm around the hero, you felt him squirm slightly and you started petting his head like before and felt him hum softly. You started raking your finger through his hair and felt your eyes struggle to stay open, you smiled to yourself again and slowly drifted back to sleep.

Eraserhead x reader (My Hero Academia) ((lemon))Where stories live. Discover now