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The smile you've had on your face when you fell asleep quickly faded when you woke up in the morning and the first thing you saw wasn't the expectet text from Lucas.

The first thing you saw was a message from Gabriel.

When you moved to Los Angeles a few month ago you thought that would be the perfect escape from him. He was that type of guy on your school who always had all the girls around him. So when he asked you out and you denied his offer he got angry because he has never been rejected in his whole entire life before. Ever since that day he tried to convince you to go on a date with him and everytime you rejected him he got angrier until he started to blackmail you with embarrassing rumors that everyone believed because he was the popular kid at school. He also managed to steal your phone one time and when he did that he found old singing videos of you that he said he was going to post if you won't go out with him since you were basically the only girl in school he hadn't slept with.

So obviously you were beyond exited and thankful when your mom had got a job offer in Los Angeles. You thought that that would be a new start with new friends in a new school. Nobody, not even your best friend Jack knew about what happened back in your hometown.

And now that you were finally able to fall asleep without having to worry about beeing bullyed in school the next day and now that you where almost over that nightmare you had experienced. He managed it to come back into your life and to bring all of the bad thoughts and memorys back into your head. He was the reason why you were always so self concious and so afraid of bonding with new people and with trusting anyone, because he didn't just turn all of the popular kids in your old school against you. He somehow even convinced your best friends to turn their backs on you through the lies that he had told them.

There was a time where you thought it was a mistake to just leave Y/H/T (Your hometown) without telling anyone. Maby if you would have told your friends the truth they would have understood and you wouldn't have been alone anymore. But on the other hand you thought it wasn't worth it to spend so much effort into people who would rather believe the lies of a bully than to believe their best friend.

So when you read the text that said : ,, I found out where you live😡", your heart dropped and tears immidiately started to build up in your eyes.

You didn't really know how to respond so you just clicked it away while Lucas message came up:,,Good morning😊 I hope you slept well💕. "

I couldn't even bring up a smile and neither could I respond to that text because of the dark cloud that I almost sucessfully pushed away the past few months now hovered over my head again, brought back by Gabriel himself.

So I ignored Lucas' text...

A/N: Well it would have been boring if they just would have get together and would now live happily ever after, so I had to add a little drama😈😂

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