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Lucas POV:

I walked out of my room and bumped into Marcus.   

,,How did your phone call go?" he asked me.

,, Great I made an amazing impression" I said sarcastically.

Marcus started to laugh ,,Even the way you alwas think about what she is going to think about you shows how big of a crush you really have. But for real, what did she say?"

,,Well she told me that she's had a stressful day, so she forgot" I said, not sounding convinced.

,, You don't seem too convinced. Why?" Marcus knew me too good.

,,I don't know... she just sounded so upsed and when she picked up her phone her voice sounded shaky, like if she was crying."

,,Lucas, when you talk to her or even when you talk about her, your voice is shaky aswell... maby she was just nerveous to talk to you ."

I knew that Marcus was right and I am probably thinking about it to much like I always do. Man I really need to stop overreacting all the time.

,, You are probably right, I should just forget about it" I agreed with him. ,, It's just that I care so much about her and I don't want her to be upset, no matter what." I said admitting my true feelings.

Marcus started to grin ,, don't worry bro. Nobody can blame you for that. That is what LOVE does to you" Marcus turned around and run away from me. I started chasing him while yelling: ,, just because I care about her doesn't mean I am in love!"

I was aware of the fact that everybody could tell that this wasn't true but of course I didn't want to admit it and a brotherly fight is the exact right thing that I need right now to distract myself from my worries.

Thank you all for voting so much on my last chapter in just one day😄 I hope you like this one aswell😘

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