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Lucas Pov:

In the evening when I wanted to text Y/N I decided that I wanted to be brave for at least once in my life. I didn't really know what happened to make me feel so brave but the fact that I really liked Y/N, just really cunfused my feelings. I've never felt that way before and I really wanted to make the next step so I decided to ask her out. Not on a date or something but, I at least wanted to meet up with her somewhere because I deffinetely wanted to see this georgeous human being again. So I grabbed my phone and quickly texted her before I could change my mind.

Lucas❤️: Hey Y/N. I hope your evening wasn't too stressed💕

Y/N: Hi. No everything went great, my siblings finally fell asleep and I have some time to myself now😊

Lucas❤️: Sounds great😄 I just wanted to ask you if you already have plans for tomorrow?😅

Y/N: Not yet. Why?

Lucas❤️: I would like to meet you again. Just in case that you would want to do that😅

Y/N: Of course I would love to😃💕

Lucas❤️: How about we meet up in the Park behind the grocery store that we met in?

Y/N: Sounds good☺️At what time?

Lucas❤️: Around 11 am? We could also get lunch after that🙃

Y/N: I'll be there😄But I am really tired because of this stressful day😴 I think I will go to sleep now😌 see ya❤️

Lucas❤️: Goodnight💤❤️

Lucas❤️: and sweet dreams😘 (deleted message)

I couldn't take my eyes off of my phone. I was going to meet Y/N. I was so exited that I almost didn't notice how tired I was. My eyes got heavey and I felt them slowly closing. Once again I fell asleep with a smile on my face, caused by Y/N...

My easter break is over😭and I don't really have that much time to update but since I didn't wanted to leave you hanging I wrote this quick chapter😅. I know that it is not that good and has a lot of mistakes😌 but I hope you liked it anyways😄

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