Chapter 4: The Gathering

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"This gathering is called on behalf of our singular greenie, a girl." Alby states.

"Each keeper will have a say on what we should do with this girl," Alby continues, "Minho, you start."

"Ok," Minho begins, "When I saw the girl in the maze, my first though was NOT danger. The girl was helpless, if we didn't find her when we did, the girl would be griever dinner." the chorus begins to mumble at Minho's words.

"what i'm saying, is she is as vulnerable and confused as us. We should treat her like a regular greenie." Minho finishes.

Next to speak is Zart, "Well, it's a girl, she obviously can't help us out very much because she is weak. I think the purpose of the creators bringing her here was for her to breed with us and keep the glade running."

The girl gags at this sentence, while some boys in the crowd hoot and holler.

"Slim it!!" Alby yells, "Gally, your turn"

"I think the greenie is a spy and she is just acting vulnerable so she can trick us. Who knows what this shank is capable of! Definitely not us." Gally shouts.

"Hmm. Newt, your turn," Alby directs.

"I talked with the greenie and she doesn't remember anything, just like us. The creators probably just put her in the maze to get us thinking, we should just treat her normally." Newt says.

As the gathering goes on there were seven more people for Newt's idea and two more for Gally's.

"Alright! It is decided that the girl greenie will be treated just like any of us." Alby states as he ends the meeting.

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