Chapter 19: Trial and Error

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The night, and the day after that went by very fast. I tried every job, expect runner. Which actually seemed the most interesting to me. But I know Newt wouldn't let me near that job, or the maze.

Today, Newt was sick or something and had to do something with Alby. I didn't even get to try the job of runner. And I was dying to see what it takes, and wishing to prove everyone who doubted me, or thought I was weak, wrong.

Once I tried track-hoe, med-jack, slicer, and builder, it was time for lunch. I got my food from Frypan and then looked to scan the tables for Newt. Nowhere.

"Where is he?" I said my thoughts aloud. Consequently, a sweaty muscled arm was swung around my shoulder. I jerked back to see who it was and hurt them in some way for touching me but when I saw his face, I didn't feel the need to.

"Oh, hey Thomas," I say and he smiles at me.

"Hey girl, wanna sit with me and Chuck today?" he asks, a bit nervous.

"Uh...yeah," I hesitantly say,

"Hey what's wrong? Is it Newt?" He asks taking his arm off my shoulder.

"W-what!? No, lets, uh, go," I stutter out and Thomas just shrugs and nods.

We sit down next to each other on one of the wood tables, then Chuck approaches, taking a seat on the other side.

"Hey y'all!" he shouts cheerfully.

"Hey chuck," I greet.

Chuck takes a huge bite out of his sand which and then tries talking.

"Youph guys wur muf a goo curple!" he says.

I look over at Thomas in confusion. Because I didn't understand Chuck. Thomas seemed to have heard perfectly.

"What?" I ask.

Chuck groans, "I said, you guys would make a good couple!"

Thomas's face turns even more red than before, I can imagine my cheeks turning pink as well.

"N-no," I say honestly.

Thomas just nods and begins to eat his food.

"Well its just a suggestion. Oh and by the way, " Chuck leans in, "I think someone likes you!"

Out of context, I thought he was taking about Thomas. Then I jabbed a thumb in the air in the direction of Thomas, Chuck shakes his head.

"Although he does, that's not what I'm talking about," Chuck states.

"Well then who..." I am interrupted.

"What are you two talking about?" Thomas asks.

"Newt!" And then he skips off onto the field, leaving me alone with Thomas.

A couple minutes pass, of us eating in silence before Thomas starts to talk.

"So you guys were talking about Newt, huh?" Thomas asks.

"No! I don't even know what Chuck is saying!" I protest.

"Hm, well anyways, I wanted to apologize for what I said about Newt." he says.

I give him a puzzled look, what did he say about Newt?

"About what?" I ask.

"How I said he was forcing you to... that's not important. Just, the night those guys attacked you, I saw your face and... and... I vowed to never let anything cause you to make that face... or to feel that way again," he paused, "I'm sorry," he says.

"Its alright," is all I manage to say. Instantly, I feel sorry for him, I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a hug, lying my head on his shoulder. He hugs me back, then abruptly pulls away.

I also pull out wondering why. Then I turn to his eyes, fear inside them. I turn to see what he is looking at, or what caused this fear, and I see him.


Newt is standing there right in front of us glaring with anger, jealously, and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. I get up out from the table and stand before Newt. He seems like he is so angry with me that he can't even look into my eyes. He turns his head.

"Newt," I say but I don't really know what to say next.

"Dude, it was just a hug," Thomas says. But Newt says nothing and just looks at me up and down, avoiding my eyes.

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