Sad Girls Club (Katherine)

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Katherine's Pov

"Guys I'm going out"I yelled through out the apartment

"Where are you going?"Lisa asked

"I'm going to see this boy whose been talking to me"I said

"A boy?"Amy said

"But we only been here for 7 months"She added

"It's a bad idea"Christina said

"I know but It's worth a shot right" I said

"Yeah yeah just be back before midnight"Christina strickly said

"Come on Christina she's 73 let her have fun"Lisa said

"Any ways I'm going"I said and went to my car then started driving

Come on where is it where is it

There it is

Ding Dong

"Hello how may I help you?"A women at my age said

"Hey I'm Katherine and I'm here for Axel"I said


Then Axel came down stairs

Gosh he is so cute

Wait what

"Hey Kathy"He said

"Hi"I said

"Come inside"He said

"Soo let's go to my room"He said

I looked at him wide eyes

"Look we won't do anything bad" He said while laughing

"Sure"I said embarrassed

We went into his room and surprisingly it's clean

"You have a neat room"I said


"Katherine sit here"he said while tapping the bed he was sitting in

"Kath can I tell you something"He said

"Sure"I said nervous

"Kath for the past 6 months that I met you I started to have feelings for you"

"Xel no"I said

"Kath I know you still haven't moved on from him"

-Flashback(5 months ago)-

"Hey"I said

"Jax who is he"A girl said

"I dunno"He said

"W-what?"I said shocked

"Look lady come in here"he said while grabbing my hand then we were at the back away from the crowd

"Jaxon what was that all ab-"I said but he cutted me off

"Kathrine why were you late?"He said getting mad

"I got lost"I said

"You could have called me"He said

"I did but it looks like you were busy with something"I said annoyed

He looked at his phone shocked

"Kathy I'm sorry"He said

"You know what I'm not blind to see that you are too deaf to hear me"I said

"What do you mean?"He said

"Jaxon I know you are cheating on me"I said

"I'm really sorry I want to start again"He said

"Jax I already gave you 3 chances I think I can't give you more"I said

"Kath yes you can"He said

"Yeah you're right I can give you another chance"His face then lit up

"But I won't"I said

"Kath plea"

"No Jaxon we're over"I said

"So if I were you I will go to that girl you choose over me and forget the 3 years we had"I said then left

"Don't cry Don't Cry "I said but I can't stop it

Then I remembered what Christina said that it's okay to cry and don't keep it inside and if you want to let it out talk to a close person you can Trust

so I went to my wing man

"Hey kat-"I hugged him as soon as I saw him

"Hey hey shhh it's okay"he said while rubbing my back

"Let's get in your car and go to our spot"He said when I let go

I just nodded and gave him my keys

And the rest of night we just talked and talked




"You kinda snapped out"He said


"Don't be"

"You are wrong"I said

"About what?"he said confused

"About Jaxon"I said

"I moved on.....thanks to you"O said and he smiled

"Really?"He asked surprised


He hugged me

"I thought you gave up on love"He whispered

"I wold never ever give up on love"I said

"Kath"He said


"Can you be my girlfriend?"He said


Then I felt his lips into mine

That's my story
I got knocked down but I got up and never gave up on love

Sad Girls Club (Cimorelli One shots)Where stories live. Discover now