Blue (Lauren)

522 11 4

Lauren's PoV

"Okay class I want to introduce you to your new classmate Tanner Adams"

A boy walked in the classroom

Some of my classmates reacted mostly girls saying

"he's so cute"


"OMG Jenna I think I found my new crush"

"Dude this guy will steal the chicks"

AndI;I just kept doing my seatwork

"Okay class that's enough why won't you sit next to...hmm let me see oh there next Ms.Cimorelli"My professor suggested

Just great


He sat next to me

"Hey I'm Tanner"

"I know the professor told us"

"Wow someone's not in the mood"He joked

"Sorry I didn't mean to be rude... Lauren, Lauren Cimorelli"I said giving him a hand shake

"Well nice meeting you Ms.Cimorelli"He said then winked at me

I ignored him and continue to do my seat work

Few Minutes Later

"Remember to do pages 260 okay class dismissed"

"Finally Lunch Time then 1 more period then hello sweet sweet freedom"I thought to myself

I headed to my locker then dropped some books

"Hey Cimorelli"Tanner said when I closed my locker

"What do you want"I asked

"Woah chill dude...I don't really have much friends here and some of the teens here are too girly or too sassy or too Buffy...and you are just the perfect person to spend time with"

"Ugh fine"

I said then we headed to the cafeteria

I can see people starting at us and whispering;some just really didn't care and continued eating

"OMG the ms.popular is with mr.hottie"I heard one said

We sat at the table at the corner that only has two seater on it

Ugh.My ALL my friends are absent today so I just have to deal with Mr.Newbie by myself

"Ms.popular?"Tanner asked


"A teen said you are Ms.Popular?"

"Oh don't mind them"I assured him

He took out his phone and then started typing

"What are you doing?"I asked

"Typing you name"

"What!? No!"

"Hmm this looks like you"

He then placed his phone in my cheek

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