Who Told You (Amy)

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*12 years old Amy*

"Hello can I play with you?"

"I'm waiting for a friend sorry"

"Hey uhm can I join?"

"Sorry but we're packed"

"Hi I'm Amy can I join?"

"No offense but you are way too small to even shoot the ball"

The kids at the playground laughed at me and I laughed with them awkwardly

As Amy begin to walk home she saw her brother Mike with his friends near the playground

"Hey Amy!!"his brother yelled

She just waved at him then continued walking

"Damn Mike your sister looked a bit down than usual,it's kinda weird"

A few hours later...

Amy was playing with her teddy bear by herself in the living room

Suddenly the front door opened

"Oh hey Ames why are you at home all alone?,I thought you guys were supposed to get ice cream"Mike asked

"I was bored and I don't want ice cream anyways"

'That's weird Amy loves ice cream' Mike thought

Mike sat next to Amy

"Is there anything wrong bud?"

Amy just nodded softly

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Amy nodded again

"Earlier at the playground nobody wanted to play with me because I'm too short"

"Well maybe the kids just wasn't in the mode"Mike suggested

"Nobody wants to play with me since the day we moved,I always try but I also always get rejected... sometimes they'll even say bad things or laugh at me"

"What kind of things do they tell you?"Mikw asked softly while rubbing Amy's back

"I'm too short to play or I'm sorry such a try hard"

"Who told you?"

"I told you the kids at the playground"

"And you believe them?"

"Of course I should... they're just saying it to help me change for the better"Amy defended

"Oh Amy, only you can change who you are"Mike started

"So what you're short to play,you can try and try to be good at the game and if they can't see that you are actually a nice and brave person then that's there problem...you just have to believe you can do it"

"But they I'll be a 'try hard' "Amy said

"Who cares at least you tried and never gave up in the first place"

"And if you need a buddy to play with me and my friends would be happy to play with you"


"Yes really"

Mike stand up and headed to the stairs but before he could even step at the first step he looked back at Amy who was now cheerfully playing with her toys

"Hey Ames"

"Yah Nick"

"Don't let them and their words get in your head okay"

"Okay"Amy innocently said then continued playing

Mike just contently smiled then went upstairs


I'm back after all these damn years

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