Boy in a Band(Lamy)

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Lisa's PoV

Amy Elizabeth Cimorelli is now dating Miles Brown from "Trouble Boyz" boy Band(A/N: Yeah as you can tell I made it up)

I sighed heavily

Ever since they became a couple Amy my little sister doesn't hang out with the family,With ME

"Oh hey lise I'm going out to day with Miles"she said happily

"As always"I mumbled so that she can't hear it

"Oh okay have fun and I love you"I said faking a smile

"Thanks lise bye"She said she didn't even say 'I love you too' back at me

Ugh fine I'm going to be honest,I'm pretty jealous because she doesn't talk to me like we use to she is always talking about Miles this,Miles that,Miles EVERYTHING

But as long as my little sister is happy,I'm happy even if it hurts

But I also have this weird feeling that she will get hurt

Amy's PoV

"Hey Miles" I smiled as I went inside his room

"Hey Ames"

There was an awkward silence

"Amy I have been Lying with you"He said with a tone of guilt

"What are you cheating on me?"I asked scared

"Kinda but I'm not cheating with you with another girl"

"So it's a boy?"I asked shocked

"No no no not like that uhm how will tell you this"he said 

"You see I the label and the other members of the band decided for you and me to date l,but they didn't want me to tell you that it was all planned cause it will be obvious it's fake so I went with the flow and as you can see your band and my band's rate changed in a snap and the mon-"He tried to explain but I cut him off

"Miles this was ALL fake?,all the feelings the I love you things are freaking fake.You did this aaall just for what,for a popularity stunt Fame,Money,Ratings huh well CONGRATS it freaking worked"I said with tears and ended it with a fake laugh

"I shouldn't have listened to Lisa she was right you'll just hurt me like the others did"

"Amy I'm sorry but if we con-"

"You still want to continue this little crap game well game over...were over I guess for me we are...right now I don't even know if there was an us"

I went to my car tears falling down at me

Ugh I'm Soo stupid to fall for a guy like him ugh

I went to my apartment and saw that no one was here good

"Oh hey Ames"

Shot there is a person

I swiped my tears and turned around with a fake smile

"H-hey Lise"

"You okay I heard you sobbing and your eyes are puffy red"she said worried

"Did that jerk oh no he didn't"

I just nodded and she hugged me and rubbed my back

"Shh it's okay Amy it's okay he doesn't deserve your love I'm sure there is a good cowboy out there waiting for you"She said and I chuckled

"I'm sorry Lisa"

"What are you sorry with?"she asked as she pulled away from the hug

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you I was being a huge stupid jerk"

"It's okay you where to blind to see because I know you love him so much"

"Correction 'Loved' him"I said smiling

Lesson learned don't love a user don't love a jerk don't be blinded my there stupid fake smile

Never fall for a boy in a band

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