Last Summer(Dauren)

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Dani's PoV

"I'll miss our house"

"I'll miss my friends"

"I'll miss sharing a room with this winnies"

"I'll miss the beach"

"I'll miss California"

"I'll miss the taco Bell"

"Amy I'm pretty sure that there's Taco bell in Nashville"I told Amy

"I know but I ate my very first Taco here...I will never forget that moment"Amy said in a dreamy voice

"Okay guys were here"Christina said

We are currently moving from Sacramento California to Nashville Tennessee because of our career and for a fresh start.

"Yo Dan we need to gooooo"Christian said while grabbing my wrist

-------------2 hours later

"Flight for Nashville Tennessee is now boarding again Flight for Nashville Tennessee is now boarding at station 5C"

"Let's go lolo"I told my older sister who is busy with her phone

"Okay okay chill Dan"she said

We went inside the plane and I'm beside Lauren and Amy,In our front is the 3 youngest boys,in our other side Katherine,Lisa and Christina sit with each other,mom and Alex sits together at front of our 3 older sisters.

Dad and Mike decided to join us in 5 mounths because they still have an Important Business to finish


"NASHVILLE HERE WE COME!!!"Lisa said while opening the exit doors at the airport

"Oh no Nashville watch out there is a mad psycho here"Amy joked and that earned her a death glare from Lisa

We laughed

"Okay we need to go"Mom said

-------------------------------30 minutes later

"Wow this place is HUGE"Christian said

"Yeah"Nick said and Joey nodded in agreement

"Girls let's get packing"Mom said trying to cheer is up

We instead groaned

"We won't ever live here"Lisa said that made me and Lauren sad

me and Laur just grabbed a box from the truck then started going inside

"Guess who packed this box...this guy" I said

Lauren's PoV

"Hey Dan"I said to my sister at my right who was arranging our pantry with me

"Yeah Laur"

"Are you sad?"I asked

"Kinda cuz I miss Ellie the beach and our old house you know"

"Not about that,I mean the fact that our sisters are moving to an apartment without us"I said

"I know me too"

We were having a conversation about our sisters moving out but we were stopped by Katherine

"Hey girls the rest of the girls are going to our apartment wanna come?"

Dani and I both shaked our heads No at the same time

"You guys sure"Kath said

"Yeah plus me and Laur are exhausted we want to rest and start decorating our room"Dani said

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