Cars + Parking Lots(Christina)

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Christina's PoV

"Hey cutie"A voice said

Then it's all blue when I saw him

"NIICK!!"I said then hugged him

"Come on, I'll take you somewhere"He said when we pulled away

"Okay let me change first"

-------Minutes Later


"About time"Nick joked and I just rolled my eyes


"What are you Laughing about?"I asked


"What about me?"I asked curiosly

"You rolling your eyes"He said

"What about it?"I asked again

"When we first met you always do that.... apparently until now"he said then we went downstairs

"Hey Kath your in charge,so you have to coo-"I said but she cuted me off

"Blah blah blah I know what to do Chrissy now go"She said

"Okay be back-"

"Before Midnight"she continued

"Come on Babe"

Then we drove to a familiar place

"Here we are"Nick said

"I know this place"I said

"This is the place we first break up"I added

"And the second"he said

"Then the third"I added then I realized something

"Nick no please don't br-"

"Chrissy I won't break up with you"


"I'm glad you're back in town"I said

"Yeah,I like seeing you around"He said

Then he smiled cutely

"Lately I've been thinking about you a lot"I said

"This place is so memorable for us huh?"


"So who's the band?"He asked


"The younger ones?"

"Who younger ones,you know Lauren,Dani & Christian are not little any more"I said with a chuckle in the last

"They still are for me"He said

"Well Lauren and Dani when we are not busy with the band they usually go to small trips, Christian is now into guitars and photography,Nick & Joey are still into sports"I said


Then we started talking about our past

"Christina Lynne Cimorelli"


"After all the ups and downs we've been to I finally decided to make our relationship wider"He said then naled in front of me

"Will you marry me and be my crazy wife?"

Now I was crying... actually we were both crying

"Y-yes"I whispered

"Babe use your beautiful voice and shout your answer"He said

I rolled my eyes of course



The of course we kissed

"I have another surprise"


"I bought the whole parking lot"

Crazy butt head

For my friend ate Alex

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