Ok well I guess that's it then(Cimorelli)

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Migo's PoV

Kaitlyn and I just arrived at my house which is just a few houses away from her's

"Okay Kate do you wanna sleep with me or the guest room"I asked

"Broo we just became official two hours ago and you want me to sleep with you that's way too fast"

"Valdez I won't loose my virginity at the age of 16 okay"

"Fine but if you do something stupid I warn you"Kate seriously said

"Okay okay"I said with my arms on surrender

"Good boy"

"Plus we won't be staying here tonight"

"Where?"she asked confused

"We are staying somewhere"

"Don't loose my trust Flores"She said more serious this time

"You won't"I smirked

Ring ring


"Hey Migo my man" A familiar voice said

"Max is this you"

"Ya know it"

I went outside to have some privacy

"Hey bro uhm who is this Cimorelli friend you were saying?"

"She's not just my friend it's my girlfriend" He proudly said

"Wow your not a hopeless romantic anymore"

"Yeah yeah"

"And how did you know about their missing sister?"I eagerly asked

"They have a lot of pictures of her around the house and one time I kinda over head two of them talking about her"

"Do you know the name of the girl?"

"Yeah I think it was Kara no no no Kaitlyn ;yeah Kaitlyn Mira Cimorelli"

I was left shocked

"Uhm hello Migs you still there?"

"Yeah Max I'm still here"

"Uhm Migo, do you still remember that I gave you some hair and saliva samples and I asked you a favor to uhm put it on a DNA test with your friend to see if they are uhm matched"

"Yeah bro I just received it this morning"

"Have uh opened it?"

"Nope,I uhm uh wanna to open it in your 'girlfriend's' house"


"Yo Max last three questions"

"Okay hit me with it"

"Who's samples are those? and how did you get them ?and last question...Who is your girlfriend?"

"Okay firstly those samples are from my girlfriend Katherine Cimorelli and I uh got the hair when comed her hair and the saliva part was from her glass of water"

"Okay bye bro"


Katherine Cimorelli

Katherine's PoV

"Guys Mom and Dad informed me they can't attend and they are sorry plus they wanted to great you Katherine happy birthday"Christian said

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