Kryptonite (Christina)

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Christina's PoV

"Sorry gurl but we over get it we over cuz ya know we are at da top of the building!! and we ya know through"My boyfriend said or should I say my ex-boyfriend

"Ugh I flippin hate you Sean"

"Okay what eves dude I gotta go to a party and find a be'r gurl than you peace out"He said then went down the building

I just stared at the sun that was setting down

Then I realized that that stupid Sean just broke up with me

Why do I even do this to my self?

Why do I keep finding guys that are Bad boys,the party type,players the jerks?

I mean yeah those are my types but those guys are also the guys that most likely will break my heart

I started to cry

Ugh I'm so  stupid so so so so stupid

Why can't I be more like Lisa, she's smart and beautiful at the same time, but she is also stupid for not seeing it

I then called my sister Katherine

"H-hey Kath"

"Hey- oh gosh why are you crying?"

"I-I'll tell y-you later...can you please pick m-me up?"I tried to stop sobbing

"Okay where are you anyways?"

"At the abandoned building down town"

"The rip,what the heck are you doing there?... okay be there in 15 mins"

She then hung up

I went down the building then waited for Kath to come

After a few minutes she arrived then stepped out the car

"Hey Chrissy you okay?"

I didn't answer but just hugged her

"Shhh shh your okay what happened anyways?"

"Remember that guy Sean from our Science class?"

"Yeah the Playboy in school?"

"Yeah that one...we dated for 2 weeks then he broke up with me today"

"Ugh Christina how many times do I have to tell you Never date a player"

"Yeah I'm sorry...can we get some Ice cream?"I said smiling innocently


"Thanks Kathy your the best"

"I know I am"

3 days later

"Chrissy pweasah"My younger sister said

"No Danielle,I'm not in the mood"I said

"Ugh awe you in yaw pwetersy?"she said cutely

"It's Puberty Dani Puberty"


"You'll know better when you're older"

"I am old I am 10 see?"she said with her ten fingers up"

"Your 7"

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