Girls like Me(Amy)

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Amy's PoV

I was looking at the window I saw cars and trees pass by

I can smell the fresh air of Nashville

I sighed and closed my eyes and drifted to sleep and dreamed about Summer of 2014

................................................................. .................................................................

"AAAMY!!"I heard Dani yell I giggled

"What!"I shouted from my room

"Wanna go to Starbucks!"She yelled back from her room that is beside me Christina and Katherine's

"Dani Quit yelling I'm tryna sleep here if you wanna talk to Amy go to her room"I heard Lisa tell Dani

"Sorry Lise"She said then I heard my door open

"Wanna go to Starbucks?"She asked again

"Nope"I said then went back at the book I was reading

"Please"she said climbing my bunk that I share with Kath

"Dani we all know I don't drink frappe,coffee and tea"I pointed out

"Then drink water"she said

"How bout we first go to McDonald's so YOU can buy ME a sundae then we can go to Starbucks"I suggested

"FINE!!"she groaned

I drove us to McDonald's then she paid for my food then we drove to Starbucks

"Can we chill here until I finish my drink and cookie"she requested

"Sure ,I don't want any of our siblings to eat my food"I said

"Cool so find a seat while I order my food"she said then left

I found a 4 seater table near the window

I sat there and ate my sundae

It's been 5 minutes and Dani isn't even half way to the counter because of the long line

Guess people really love Starbucks

I looked around and then there was a cute boy that entered the store

Then everything went slow I was so focused into him that I didn't know my ice cream fell from my spoon

Ugh get it together Amy he is just a stranger I don't even know what is special with him

He went to tge long line and started waiting for his turn

I was looking at him all the time he catched me looking at new and he smiled

Aww he is sooo cute with those cute dimples

He waved at me and I waved back then he looked away

Way to go Amy you probably freak him out

"Amy? Who were you waving at?"Dani said

When did she even get here

"When did you get here?"I asked

"We both went in this store Amy at the same time"she sarcastically said

"Hehe"I giggled

"It wasn't even funny"

"It is for me"I said still giggling

She rolled her eyes and started drinking her frappe then took her phone out and started playing with it

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