BAD (Cimorelli)

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A/N:This one-shot won't be based at the meaning of the song but only the title of it so Enjoy!!!

Plus sorry I haven't been updating


I'm Kaitlyn Mira Valdez but you can call me Kate,16 years old,Grade 12 student,oh and I like to sing too.

And I'm adopted,yup I am, I just found that out about a year ago.If your wondering 'Kate do you know who are your parents', sadly no but I want to know

I really need to know in my case

Anyway I am currently walking to school and this time in Nashville it's really really really cold.I don't have a sweater or a jacket or anything to wear to keep me warm just a black shirt and jeans that's all I have and of course undergarments.

"Good Morning ,Ms.Kaitlyn Mind if I join you?"

I looked at my side to see my best friend Anthony Migo Flores.

"You always join me"I said

"Well today is different Valdez it's your birthday today March 2 2018,geez do you have calendar or what?"

"I don't care,I'll just get older,die sooner and my time will get lesser"I said

The real reason why I don't celebrate is because I haven't experienced it.

Sure Migo here always tries to make it good and if I say so it is GOOD,but I want the real thing.What I'm trying to say is a birthday with your family.I don't care if it's my real family or what I just want to celebrate it feeling I actually have a family that's my birthday wish ever since I could remember.Even the birthdays I didn't knew I was adopted.

"......and we will have presents and I made a purple cake for you cause I know it's your favor-"

"Kate you kinda zoned out"

"Hmm..oh yeah I'm good"

"Wait stop"

I didn't listen to Migo,I kept walking


Migo stoped me and lifted my chin up

Migo's PoV

I lifted Kate's chin up and saw tears

Well this normal,I always know the reason why.

I hugged Kate yes we are hugging in the middle of a street at 6 in the morning

"Shhh Kate I promise you I'll make this a special birthday and I will grant you your BIGGEST birthday wish"


"A family friend kinda knows one of your missing sisters"

Katherine's PoV

Beep Beep


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHY!!!!"My sister Christina greeted me

She always do this since we were kids and I find it cute

"Really? don't you get tired doing that"I said trying to be annoyed

She frowned

"Wow your welcome"she said while rolling her eyes

"Just Kidding"I stand up and hugged her

"Thanks Chrissy"I whispered

"Happy birthday beautiful"A voice said

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