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Thank you butterflycim for your funny comments from the last chapter

Dani's PoV

(Setting 2015 and WARNING: Inappropriate languages are included in this one shot)

"And then a we both went to...."

I didn't listen to what he was saying I just got lost in his deep blue eyes

".....Dani Dani? We're at your house"He said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh sorry, thanks for the ride.and see you tomorrow?"

"No prob and yeah tommorow"he said then winked at me

I got out his car and waved at him he waved back and smiled

I looked at the time

11:16 pm


I opened the front door and saw all the lights were turned off

Once I opened the main light

"Ah! Lauren why are you still awake"

"Well I was worried that you won't go home and do crazy stuff with Zach"she explained with worry in her voice

"Ugh I'm home,safe,still a virgin,not pregnant,alive, still breathing"

"Okay okay go to sleep I get it"she said annoyed

I was walking upstairs when I heard her mumbled

"She's still my baby sister no matter what"

I smirked and went to my and changed

I looked at the window and remember Zach

I wish he is not like the others who is just playing my mind and my heart

I lay down at my bed and drifted off to a deep sleep

Beep Beep

I turned off my alarm and saw it was already


I looked at my phone

3 massages

Dani and Laur we'll have a band meeting tomorrow after mass-Chrissy

Hey Dan good morning! Tell Lauren that me and the boys went to have a basketball game see u guys at 12!-Christian

Sorry Dani I can't go today,I forgot that I have to babysit my cousin for the weekend bye luv u!-Zach

To Chrissy:K

To Christian:sure and dunot injure yur self and u better watch Nick and joey

To Zach:Iz ok babe see on Monday luv u 2

I went downstairs only to see Lauren playing the piano

How didn't I hear that playing from my room

"Oh morning Dan I made you waffles and we have Nutella at the fridge"She informed me

"Thanks Lo"

"Welcome"Then she continued playing the piano

"Oh Lo Christian told me that him and the boys are out playing basketball and Christina told us we have a band meeting tomorrow after church"I informed her

"Oh I thought the boys were still sleeping and thanks for telling me"

"No prob"

"And mom and dad are with Aunt Susan"

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