Where it all ended...(Katherine)

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Katherine's PoV


I let out a loud groan

I fixed my skirt and looked at myself at the mirror once more

"I'm sorry Ford"I silently whispered

I went out of the apartment and went into my car

I looked at my side having a illusion of him saying a joke and I was cracking up,but that was before.

I drove by a Cafe downtown

'Special na Handa' (A Special Prepraration )The banner of the shop read

I went inside and as always I was greeted by a strong hint of coffee.I looked at the left corner and as expected I saw him with his laptop and coffee.

"Kath"He smiled

He used to call me sweetheart or babe or Kath but it doesn't feel like it anymore.

"Uh Hey Ford"I forced a smile

"Take a seat,I already ordered your cheesecake,The normal one,I know"

"Thanks boo"

"No prob"

"So I was at the airport the other..."


Didn't even bother asked 'how ya doing' or something

"...And the planes were were were AMAZING..."

He goes on and on.I used to enjoy this.I used to

"So what ya think 'bout my new phone case?"


I looked at it and it looks like he just saw it in the street


"Hey uh look I invited you to come because...ehem uh because I think this isn't really Working out"I said

"Oh do you mean your car I thought I fixed it?"He looked confused

The waitress then gave me my cake then left

I grabbed Ford's hand and look deeply at his hazel eyes

"I think we should end this"

I look super confused and I can see him slowly breaking

He grabbed my hand with both of his

"W-what happened?"He asked


"I'm sorry Ford but I think this is not really working anymore"

I let go of his hands and left him at the Cafe with my untouched Cheesecake cake.


"Soo... that's basically what Happened"I said

"Then what?"Lisa asked

"We are over?"

"No dummy what Happened with the cake,I was told those cakes are super expensive"

"Nothing happened"

"You just wasted a perfectly good cake and MULA"Dani replied


"Where is that Cafe anyways?"Amy asked

The 3 of them were waiting for an answer

"That's what...where it all ended"

Yes I'm alive and sorry for being such a perfect little brat but can't promise when I'll updating soon

Next chapter"Who Told You"

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