Laughing Jack X Reader

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But first...
(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/C) = Favorite Color

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(E/C) = Eye Color

Okay, now, enjoy...

     You have always been the quiet, shy type. You've never really had any friends whatsoever. No one really cared for you. The kids at school never talked to you. They would always bully you and call you a loner, a freak. Your parents always ignored you as well. They never seemed to have time for you, ever. You have always been alone, not knowing how it felt to have someone to actually care for you.
     You are now eighteen years old. You live alone, all by yourself. You babysit a five year old kid named James to help pay for college and rent.
     "Good morning (Y/N)!" You exclaimed as you hopped out of bed. You stood up beside your bed and stretched. You yawned then looked at the time. 'Shoot! I have only half an hour!' You thought to yourself as you ran to your bathroom and quickly took a shower. You quickly put on a pair of ripped jeans and a (F/C) long sleeve shirt. You dried your (H/C) hair and then grabbed your car keys. You ran out of your house and then toward your car.
     "Come on! I'm going to be late!" You yelled to yourself as you started up your car and drove over to James' house.

     Once you arrived, you got out of the car and then ran toward the door. You then proceeded to knock on the door and wait. The door slowly opened as you saw James' parents.
     "I'm so sorry! I woke up late and I just- I'm so sorry!" You yelled. They just looked at you.
     "Just make sure it doesn't happen again," James' father replied as he scowled at you.
     "I won't! I promise!" You exclaimed. He sighed and then walked out of the door with his wife. You watched as they got in their car and drove off. You waved and smiled awkwardly at them as they left. You sighed and then walked inside the house, shutting the door behind you. You began walking to James' room as you suddenly heard James' voice. You listened in.
     "Yeah! You finally want to meet her? She'll love to see you!" James exclaimed. You listened in and then decided to ask him who he was talking to. You opened his door and walked in.
     "Who would like to meet me?" You asked, expecting to see a pet he had, or anything else, but there was nothing. You looked around. Still nothing. He jumped up and then looked at you.
     "My friend, Laughing Jack," he replied as he looked around. He put on a puzzled look as he then asked himself, "Where did he go?"
     "Oh, did he run away? I'm not that scary am I?" You asked, smiling down at him. He shrugged as you both then started giggling.
     "Maybe Jack is just too shy..." James trailed off as he walked up to you. You giggled and then patted his head.
     "That's okay, James. Maybe if Laughing Jack sees how much fun you can have with me... maybe he might come out and want to play too," you suggested as you smiled down at James. James' eyes widened as he smiled brightly.
     "Okay!" James exclaimed, jumping up and down. You looked down at him.
      "What would you like to play first?" You asked.
     "Hide and seek! Hide and seek! Hide and seek!" He chanted as he then ran off.
     "Okay! I'll count to ten! You better be well hid by then!" You called out as you then walked to a wall, closed your eyes, and then started counting. "One... Two... Three..." you counted. You counted slowly all the way up to ten. Then, you quickly turned around and then shouted, "Ready or not, here I come!"
     You walked around, looking in every room. You took your time, trying to find the small child. You suddenly heard a familiar tune coming from James' room. You couldn't quite put the name to the little tune, but you sang to it anyways, hoping it would help you figure out the name.
     "All around the cobbler's bench. The monkey chased the Weasel. The monkey thought 'twas all in fun. Pop goes the weasel," you paused and realized you remembered the name of the song. You opened the door to James' room and then shouted, "Pop goes the weasel! That's the name! Man, I loved that song as a child!"
     You walked in to the room and found a small wooden Jack-in-the-box placed in the middle of the room. You walked closer and examined the box. You quickly noticed that the Jack-in-the-box had only black and white to replace the colors that you thought it would have. You looked closer and then read the name of it outloud. "Laughing Jack-in-the-box?" You questioned.
     You examined the box some more and then noticed the handle sticking out of the side. Out of curiosity, you cranked the handle and then sang along to the catchy little child's tune.
     "All around the cobbler's bench. The monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought 'twas all in fun... POP GOES THE WEASEL!" You exclaimed. You yelled the last verse, waiting for the little jack to pop out at you. It didn't though. The box didn't even open at all. You sighed, disappointed at the little toy and then slowly sat it down. "I guess it's broken... oh! I still need to find James! I swear I have the attention span of a small child!" You yelled as you began running around to find James.
     You checked everywhere. The kitchen, all the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the basement, but you couldn't find him anywhere! You began to panic a little.
     "James, where are you?" You called out, loudly. You began walking back to James' room, hoping he would be there. You reached his room door and then hollered,  "You win, okay! Just come out!"
     You opened the door and then about jumped out of your skin. Standing before you, was a tall, monochrome clown. You took a step closer, examining the clown.
     He had white eyes and a black and white swirled, cone nose. He grinned at you with shark-like teeth. His lips were black, along with his long, shoulder-length hair. He wore black and white feathered pads on his shoulders. He was hunched over, starring down at you. His height was so stunning. He was so huge! He was way over six feet tall. You looked down and noticed his arms were touching the floor. His hand had bandages on it and he had claws as fingers.
     "Wow, aren't you a big one?" You asked, stunned. He laughed, which made you shiver a little. His laugh was demonic and scary, but at the same time, it sounded empty. No matter how much he laughed. It sounded so empty and lonely. You felt sympathy for the creature, then was quickly snapped out of it.
     "You think I'm big... you should see what I'm hiding under my undergarments," he replied with a slight British accent, followed by another empty laugh. You quickly looked down and then jumped back.
     "Uh... I-I'm g-good," you stuttered as you met eyes with this clown again. He chuckled with a smirk spread across his face.
     "Oh, well... maybe some other time then..." he joked. Well, at least you hoped he was. You smiled nervously and laughed a little. You knew you should probably just run away from this creature, like any sane person would, but you still needed to find James and something was telling you that clown knows where he was hiding.
     "So..." you started and then looked into the clown's eyes. He starred back into your (E/C) eyes. You took a deep breathe and then continued with asking," Where is James?" The clown smiled at you then looked around.
     "I have no idea, my dear, but I'll be happy to help you look for him," he responded, smiling. You quickly shook your head.
     "N-No! That's, uh, okay! I can manage to find him myself!" You yelled as you then dashed off to try to find James quickly. With that thing in the house, James could be in real trouble. I mean you saw the size of his claws! You ran around the house, yelling for James. You sat down at the kitchen table and then paused to think if there were anywhere else James could have been. You shook your head.
     "No! I lost a freaking kid! Great! His parents are going to come home and yell at me, saying 'oh, we knew not to trust you, you stupid girl'! I can't believe myself! I really am stupid! Stupid, stupid, STUPID GIRL!" You yelled, ranting to yourself. You huffed and then added, "good job (Y/N)! A great freaking babysitter you are!" You then slammed your head on the kitchen table, sobbing quietly to your self.
     "I'm so useless! No wonder everyone avoids me! I can't even find a freaking kid!" You paused and then took a deep breathe then finished with, "I just had to let him pick hid and seek! Now I lost him! Oh yeah, and on top of that! I just left that clown to wonder about, instead of calling the cops like a sane person would! I don't know why I didn't... Heck! I'm not freaking sure why I'm not calling them now! Am I that stupid?! I guess I better call them." You stood up and then pulled out your cellphone. Then, you quickly stopped yourself. You slammed your phone on the table.
     "Ugh, what if that clown tries to kill me?" You asked yourself as you looked around, trying to spot the clown. You frowned and the furrowed your eyebrows. You continued to look around as you then yelled, "Well you know what?! Go on and kill me, you big, monochrome clown thing!" You suddenly heard a deep, demonic laugh come from behind you. You turned and then saw him... uh, it.
     "Are you sure you are not crazy? You could've fooled me," he joked as he chuckled. You just looked up at him and then nodded.
     "You're right, I might be a little crazy. Who am I kidding? I'm freaking insane!" You cried out as you began laughing. The clown just looked at you, a bit taken back. You began laughing some as you asked, "what? Do I scare you?" He shook his hand and got closer to you.
     "No, not at all, my dear. It's just..." he trailed off and then ran his claws through your (H/L), (H/C) hair. He chuckled then finished with stating, "I've just never met someone this... unique." You found yourself blushing. Wait- hold up... BLUSHING?! 'No, no, no no no! I can't believe I'm blushing... and for him! Well, it... uh, let's go with him. I mean, he said he had a huge- (Y/N)! Stay on track! What was I thinking about? Oh, well' You thought to yourself as you looked up at the clown, towering over you. He smirked as you smiled back.
     "Oh, I'm not unique. Trust me," you protested. He leaned in closer your head.
     "Oh, trust me, dear. I've been around for a while and you, you are the most unique thing I've ever seen," he reassured as he got even closer to your face. Your lips were almost touching his. You looked around, trying not to make eye contact with this creature.
     "Trust me, man, I'm nothing special.  I'm not anything 'unique'. I'm," you quietly said as you continued to stare at the floor. He lifted your chin, forcing you to look in to his eyes.
     "Oh, no, dear. Why do you think so little of yourself?" He asked. You watched his smile turn into a frown and a look of concern brushed across his face. This caught your attention. You glanced down, starring at the floor.
     "That's just how everyone has treated me. Like I'm nothing special. Nothing unique. Like I wasn't anything at all. They just continued to ignore me and treat me like that, so I soon believed it too," you replied, still starring at the ground. You waited for the clown to say something in responce. He just stayed quiet for a while.
     "Oh, god, what am I about to do?" He quietly asked.
     "What did you-" you were suddenly cut off by the clown smashing his lips onto yours. Your eyes widened as you felt him aggressively kiss you. He picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
     His lips were so soft, it felt so good pressed against yours. You found yourself kissing him back. You began to question yourself, but you never stopped yourself. You were just so heated, you couldn't stop. He began to lick your bottom lip. You were so confused by this action. You haven't kissed anyone before. This was your first, so you didn't know what he wanted.
     You suddenly felt his pointy teeth bite down on your bottom lip. You gasped as he took this chance and stuck his tongue in your mouth, claiming everything as his own. He began to aggressively kiss you again as his tongue was repeatedly shoved down your throat. You had no idea how to feel about this. Was this how other people kissed?
     Suddenly he stopped kissing your lips and then began kissing your neck. That was fine by you, because you were almost out of breathe anyway. You tilted your head back, allowing him full access to your neck. He kissed and sucked at this spot and that until he reached your sweet spot. You let out a soft moan, as you could then feel him smirk.
     "Oh, does that feel good?" He asked as he then continued to kiss and suck at that one spot.
     "Y-Yes!" You moaned. He chuckled. You tried to hold back your moans, but that wasn't possible. You felt so much pleasure out of this.
     Suddenly, the monochrome clown put you down and then stepped away from you. You frowned and looked up at him.
     "Hey, why did you," you paused, quickly glancing and seeing James standing behind Jack. You smiled and then continued with greeting, "hey, James!"
     "(Y/N)! Oh, it looks like you found Laughing Jack!" James exclaimed. You were taken back by what he said.
     "Laughing Jack? Like, the one from that jack-in-the-box?" You questioned. The monochrome clown looked down at you and nodded.
     "The one and only!" He said as he then gave a bow. James and yourself both giggled at Laughing Jack. You honestly thought that James just had a imaginary friend named Laughing Jack, but apparently Jack was real. You could see that he was real. You quickly touched your lips. You also felt that he was real. You giggled and then stuck out your hand.
     "Well, I'm (Y/N). It's nice to formally know ya," you stated as you waited for him. He reached out and then grasped your hand and shook it.
     "Same here, (Y/N)," he agreed as he then let go of your hand. He smiled at you as you smiled back. You quickly turned to James.
     "So, James, where the heck were you hiding anyway?" You asked, thinking about if there were any places you didn't check.
     "I was in the attic! I waited for ages!" He exclaimed as he smiled, brightly. He gave him a look of confusion.
     "You guys have an attic?" You questioned. James nodded, as himself and Laughing Jack soon began laughing. You listened to Laughing Jack's laugh and couldn't hear that emptiness anymore. What could have filled up that emptiness that quickly?
     "You've been here for almost a year and you still haven't figured out that they had an attic?" Laughing Jack cackled. You began laughing as well, then suddenly stopped.
     "Wait, how did you know that I've been babysitting here for a year?" You asked, with an eyebrow cocked. Laughing Jack quickly stopped laughing.
      "I have my, uh, ways," he replied with a sly smirk. You began thinking to yourself.
     "You didn't stalk me, did you?" You questioned. He shook his head.
     "Oh no, no, no. Not one bit, my dear. James told me," he quickly replied as he pointed at James. James just waved and smiled.
     "Oh, okay," you said underneath your breathe. Jack laughed and then came close to you.
     "I could start now, you know. If you want that," Jack stated, playfully. You blushed and then shook your head.
     "No, that's fine!" You yelled as you then drew your attention to James. "James, want something to eat?" You quickly asked. James nodded.
     "Yes! Can you fix hamburgers?" James asked. You smiled and then nodded quickly.
     "Sure thing, kiddo," you replied as you looked in the fridge for the hamburger meat. Once you grabbed it, you placed it on the counter top and then grabbed a pan. You turned the stove on and then made the hamburger meat in to the shape of a hamburger. Then you placed the meat onto the pan and then turned around to chat for a bit. "Jack, want any?" You asked. He shook his head.
     "No thanks, I am on a candy-strict diet," he stated and then pulled out a small piece of candy and unwrapped it then plopped it in his mouth. You shrugged as you then turned to attend to the hamburgers.
     When the burgers were finished, you put them all on a plate and then turned off the stove. You only fixed two for James, because you didn't feel up to eating. You walked over to the kitchen table, where James and Jack still sat.
     "Go and fix your plate, James. I still have to clean up first," You suggested as you then walked over to one of the drawers and grabbed a rag. You found some cleaning spray and began to clean. James walked to the living room and sat down to watch some television. You continued to clean the entire kitchen. Laughing Jack watched as you cleaned. You quickly realized this and then turned toward him.
     "You got a starring problem, Jacky poo?" You asked as you then batted your eyelashes at him. He chuckled and then stood up.
     "Only when it comes to you, my sweets," he responded as he walked closer to you. You giggled and then turned to continue to clean. He spun you around and looked down at your small frame. He licked his lips and then continued to stare. You felt awkward, but at the same time, you didn't care. A lot of people would run away at the sight of him, but you were different. You didn't mind him much anymore. Since that short little kiss, you felt more connected with him. You felt a little spark. As if he had filled the void you tried so much to ignore. Hm, guess you really were insane.
     "You make me feel so strange," you quietly whispered to yourself. Laughing Jack heard this and then smiled.
     "Strange... how?" He asked, getting closer to your body.
     "I honestly don't even know. I've never felt this way toward anyone before," you replied.
     "Is it good?" He asked. You just starred at him and nodded. Before Laughing Jack or yourself could say anything else, you both heard the front door open and then close.
     "Mommy! Daddy!" James exclaimed, excitingly. You looked at Laughing Jack as he waved goodbye and then left in a pile of smoke. You coughed as you walked toward the living room.
     "(Y/N), my dear, are you getting sick?" James, mother asked you. You smiled, happily at her.
     "I guess so," you paused to cough once more, making sure you got that smoke out of your system and then continued with, "but nothing a little medicine can't fix." James' father scowled at you.
     "Well, it'd be best if you left now then," James' father growled. You widened your eyes at his reaction and then quickly gathered your things.
     "Uh, great idea! I'll be on my way now. Bye James! See you next time!" You exclaimed as you walked out of the door. You rushed to your car and then started it up. You buckled yourself in and then drove off. You drove to your home while you pondered about where Laughing Jack had gone to. Your pondering continued as you got out of your car and then walked to your front door. You opened the door and then stepped inside, shutting the door behind you.
     You saw Laughing Jack, sitting on your couch, waving at you. You waved back at him and then calmly walked passed the couch and toward your bedroom. You continued to ponder while you walked in your room and changed in to a loose shirt and some shorts.
     "Where did he go? You asked youself. It then hit you as you ran toward your living room. Laughing Jack was still on the couch, flipping through channels on the television. "Laughing Jack!? You yelled. He turned to you and laughed.
     "It took you that long to realize I was here?" He asked, cackling. You laughed with him.
     "Yeah," you admitted. You suddenly felt that strange feeling you had a while ago. Laughing Jack got off of the couch and walked toward you, slowly. You slowly backed up as well, until you hit a wall. Laughing Jack walked up to you, towering you.
     "(Y/N), I have something I want to tell you," he stated as he looked down at you, starring into your bright, (E/C) eyes.
     "Wh-What is it, L-Laughing J-Jack?" You asked, stuttering as you blushed.
     "I had this feeling inside me when I first saw you a couple of weeks ago. I knew you couldn't have seen poor ol' Jack, but I still watched you. You've made me happy, something that no one has ever made me feel in a long, long time. I just want to spend my time only with you. (Y/N), I think I love you," he admitted as he blushed, looking down at you. You were taken back by this. Laughing Jack suddenly pressed his soft, wet lips against yours. He let go of the kiss and looked at you. There was that strange feeling again. Was that it? Did you love him as well? You opened your mouth and then said the four simple, yet meaningful words.
     "I love you too," you replied as you kissed him passionately. He quickly stopped the kiss and starred at you.
     "There is something you should know about me, (Y/N), before we take this too far," he admitted.
     "What is it?" You asked.
     "I kill people, (Y/N). I'm a true sociopath," he replied. You only starred at him. You suddenly hugged him. He gasped as he was obviously taken back by this.
     "That's okay, uh, everyone has their own hobbies," you stated as you hugged him tighter. You felt his long arms wrap around you as well.
     "Now that, that's out of the way," he said as he let go of the hug. He starred down at you then finished with, "Can I show you my large lollipop? I bet you'd like to taste it." You widened your eyes and then punched him in the stomach.
     "Nuh-uh, Laughing Jack, we ain't going there yet. At least take me out on a few dates first," you replied.
     "Oh, come on. It's super sweet, I promise," he reassured. You punched him again in the stomach.
     "I said no!" You yelled. He pouted then quickly gave up.
     "Fine, I'll take you out on a date first. Your lucky I love you," he replied.
     "I sure am lucky," you stated as you kissed him, passionately. You sure were a very lucky one indeed.



Thank you so much for reading this! I really hoped you enjoyed!

I will be taking any requests. I can do Lemons if requested. I can even do certain scenarios if requested as well. It's all up to you all.

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed. I'll see ya later! Peace!

Also please check out my other book "Falling in Love With the Monster". It is a Romance, but also has some gruesome parts, for those who like that kind of stuff. It's updated every Saturday. Anyways, please, please check it out! I would really appreciate it!

Anways, I'll let you go now! See ya later!

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