Laughing Jack X Reader (Lemon)

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This is a LEMON, so please do not read if you are not comfortable with sex-related topics or just sex in general.

There will also be some violent words and actions in this. So, please do not read if you are not comfortable with such stuff...


Well, I think that's it! I hope you enjoy it! ;)


-Reader's P.O.V.-

     It has been years since I've seen him. His black hair and white skin. Those white eyes and black lips. His black and white striped clothes. The thing that I can never forget is his smile. Even though his lips were black and he had white, pointy teeth, I loved looking at his smile.

     He always smiled to cheer me up. If I was down, he'd lift me up. He would always find a way to make me happy.

     I was five when I met him. I didn't have any friends of my own, so I'd spend my days inside alone. One day he showed up in my room. At first sight, he was a bit scary. After a few days, he became my best friend.

      We would play all sorts of games together. He would always make me happy. He would always make me feel like I had a friend, but my parents disagreed.

      When I turned seven, my parents told me that he was just a figment of my imagination. They told me that he wasn't real, that he was just in my head. I soon believed them and he disappeared. He became replaced by school and any extra activities I did after school.

     Even though he was just an imaginary friend, he felt so real to me. He looked real too. Whenever I hugged him, I'd feel his arms wrap around me as well.

      I'm now (your age) and I still remember everything about him. His smile, his pointy teeth, even his white eyes. I haven't forgotten his name either. Laughing Jack...

-Present Time-

     I was walking back to my house from work/school. It was a cool autumn afternoon. The wind blew through my (H/C) hair, blowing it in this direction or that.

     I took a deep breath, enjoying the beautiful scenery. The leaves on the trees were various colors, yellow, orange and red being the most common. A few trees still had some green leaves on them. The rest had turned to another color and fallen off.

      I continue walking, looking at the scenery. I finally see my house. My lips curl up to form a smile. Reaching my house meant that I could finally rest.

     "Finally," I whispered as I reached the front door of my house. I pulled out my house key and unlocked the front door. I twisted the doorknob and stepped inside. I closed the door behind me.

      "I'm home!" I shout out to no one in particular. Since I live alone, I have only myself to keep me company while I'm at home.

      I smile, knowing that my bed's warm embrace is waiting for me. I take off my shoes and lay them next to my door. I then walk to my bedroom and then begin taking off my clothes.

      I change into my nightwear. Some comfortable shorts and a loose t-shit. Nothing like relaxing after a day of work.

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