Bloody Painter X Reader (Lemon)

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This IS a Lemon, so if you are not comfortable with sex-related topics or just sex in general, I ask for you to skip this. I will make sure to write a Bloody Painter X Reader without Lemon in it.
So, with that all taken care of... I'll get on with it then....

***Oh! Also contains some strong language***

Thank you and enjoy the story!


     "Ew! You damn whore! Don't you ever touch me with your filthy hands! Ugh! You're such an idiot!" A classmate exclaimed as he pushed you down. He then began to kick you in your stomach and your face. The other kids either ignored it or cheered him on. A couple decided to join in, kicking you for their own amusement.
     Once they were done kicking you, you got on your knees and then looked up at them. Blood ran down your face from your nose and mouth. They frowned at you and then spit on you. They then walked away. You sighed and then slowly got up, wiping the blood from your mouth and nose.
     You brushed off as kids walked passed you and laughed at you. You would have been shocked, but this almost became a daily thing. Everyday you would come to school and get beat up and laughed at. You were not even sure what you did to them. Why were they like this?
      "I just need to go home and sleep this all away," you said to yourself as you then limped to your next class, ready to endure everything that everyone was going to throw at you.

     After school had ended, you decided to walk home. You exited the school and got on the sidewalk. You plugged your headphones to your phone and started listening to your favorite music. You sighed as you looked at the trees and the clear, blue sky.
     "Why can't it be peaceful like this at school?" You asked yourself as you sighed some more. You had plenty of bruises and cuts all over your body from the students at school. You tried to tell the teachers and even the principal, but they didn't "have time to deal with a small bully issue". You were a junior in high school, so you only had one more year of this and then you could go far, far away from everyone.
     You continued to look at the beautiful scenery, until you reached your house. Your parents had to go on a "business trip", so you have been alone in your house all week. You knew very well that they were just going on vacation without you, leaving you there to suffer at school. You frowned as you walked up to your front door. You twisted the knob and realized that it was unlocked.
     "I thought I- no! I know I locked the door on my way out," you said as you thought back to every horror movie you have watched. This was the part when you were suppose to believe that you are just losing your mind, but that's when murderer kills you when you least expect it. You could have just believed that you were losing your mind, but that would give the murderer their opportunity to kill you. No, you were NOT going to die today.
     You opened the door slowly and walked in, turning on the lights. You saw nothing out of the ordinary... yet. You laid down your phone and headphones on your couch as you then smiled a little to yourself.
     "Hey, I think you left my door unlocked," you called out, listening and watching carefully. You then chuckled a little to yourself as you called out again. "Come on, I just want to talk to you... no need to hide," you giggled. You still listened carefully for any noise.


     You heard a huge noise come from your room. You smiled as you creeped toward your door. It was shut, as expected. You opened the door quickly. Nothing? You stepped inside and scratched your head. You then chuckled a little.
     "Playing hide and seek, I see," you called out as you chuckled. You continued to looked around and saw that your closet door was shut. Maybe they were in there? You slowly walked over to your closet. You've seen plenty of horror movies to know that the serial killers always hide in the closet, waiting to pounce. You grabbed the closet door knob and then took a deep breathe. You quickly opened the door and saw... nothing? Again? You were sure that they always hid in the closet.
     "Hm? You're behind me, aren't you?" You asked as you then quickly spun around. When you did, you really did see someone behind you. You jumped back a little out of surprise.
     A teenage boy stood there with short, black hair and bright, blue eyes. He held a white mask in his hand with a red smile painted on there. You had to admit, he was really good-looking.
     "Hm, I guess you found me," He said as he then charged at you. You jumped out of the way at the last second, causing him to run inside your closet. You then quickly closed the door and locked it. You were so glad that it only locked from the outside. You laughed a little as he began to bang on the door, cursing at you.
     "Ha! That's what you get!" You laughed as you then ran down stairs to the living room. You ran to the couch and quickly grabbed your phone. You turned it on and dialed 9-1-1. Once you dialed the number, you put the phone up to your ear. You didn't hear anything for a while. The only noise you heard was the banging on the closet door upstairs. You looked at your phone as you realized it had died. Listening to your music must have killed it.
     "Maybe I could- oh yes! The homephone!" You exclaimed as you then ran to your kitchen. You ran to the homephone that sat on the kitchen counter and grabbed it. As you picked it up, you heard him yelling and banging on the door even harder. You put the phone to your ear as you then realized that someone had cut the line. What should you do now? What could you do? You tried to think about your options. As you thought to yourself, you noticed that it was quiet. No more banging on the door. Oh, no.
     "Missed me?" You heard him ask behind you. You quickly turned around and saw him standing there. He smirked at you as he then quickly hit you in the head, causing your vision to become blurry and your body feeling heavy. You heard him laugh as the black surrounded you, consuming you whole.

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